Too Old for Anarchy?

User offline. Last seen 12 years 15 weeks ago.
Number 741
Conspirator for: 14 years 19 weeks
Posted on: January 31, 2011 - 7:08pm

Until now I’ve always discounted anarchism publically because I’ve never believed it to be pragmatic.

When it came to libertarianism I always believed that people en masse where not going to buy into the ideals of free idealism of free market anarchism, but I did think that enough people could be convinced by a more moderate form of libertarian along the lines of classical liberal philosophy. From my own experience I can testify that on the whole most middle class mediocre types who surround me will never buy into a moderate form of libertarianism however one spins it. However politely you might put it issue to issue, politicians in Britain will never listen seriously to any libertarian.

In fact politicians will only ever listen to their corporate paymasters, because the truth is that all government happens to be is a front for corporate interest. Oh sure politicians will attempt to appeal to those who might be conned into voting for them, which of course is a means of giving them some kind of popular legitimacy. I heard an lengthy interview with Ed Miliband & it appeared that as leader of the Labour party he was more interested in appealing for the votes of the middle classes rather then represent the interests of the most vulnerable in society, even though there are plenty vulnerable people who have been conned into thinking that the Labour party represent the interests of the most vulnerable in society. It doesn’t matter what party is in government they’re only going to represent the interests of the corporatist paymasters & those who are dumb enough to support them.

Me rejoining the Labour party is one of the most embarrassing things I’ve done recently. I guess the reason I did was that when I decided to transition genders I knew that to get taken seriously I’ve got to have a moderate appearance. Thing is I’ve never been that good at being politically moderate because I’m not politically moderate. A few years ago when I was getting in a bit of a strop about not being accepted by various libertarians who were involved with the Liberal Democrats somebody said to me that I was never going to be one for party politics as I was too much of a wild man who cares far more about saying what I believe to be right rather then saying etc to get elected. Recently somebody said to me that no matter what libertarianism runs deep with in my political psyche. I was a member of the Labour party when I was a teenager & thought I was a socialist accept it was pretty obvious I wasn’t a socialist because then & now I’m anarchist.

Some people say that those who call themselves anarchists are just socialists who happen to wear leather & Mohawks. Nothing wrong with wearing leather & having a Mohawk, nothing wrong with being a socialist but everything wrong with supporting state socialism. Personally I’d like to see a world where individuals are able to form their own communities/societies via vulnerary association. I’ve long believed that the devolution of power to being the cure for many issues in this world.

Anarchism... stands for liberation of the human mind and the dominion of religion; the liberation of the human body from the dominion of property; liberation from shackles and restraint of government. It stands for social order based on the free grouping of individuals.

I despise racism, homophobia & general hate of what people can’t help about themselves, but realistically how much you try to impose constraints upon individuals who spout hate, one way or another they will continue to do so. The best solution would be to just allow Christian fundamentalists & White Supremacists to form their own communities.

The problem with the kind of centralised government we typically have in the west is that you’re going to have opposing groups attempting to gain control & when they gain control they reward their friends & punish their enemies, the frightening thing is with extremist groups with authoritarian agendas gaining control of government & allowing them to persecute whoever doesn’t agree with them. The key issue isn’t those seizing the control of government, its that government is a monopoly of coercion & violence. No matter whether its moderates or extremists in control of government, there will be guns will be pointed at you to obey whatever. You might not be doing any harm to another person & you’ll have a gun point at your head & told to obey or else. If there was proper devolution of power then people would have the means of what government or no government they’d want to live under, people would be able to vote with their feet.

I want a world where people aren’t inhibited from being themselves & inhibited from voting with their feet to find their own place in the world. I believe if the centralized hierarchical forms of government with lived under in the west were eradicated, you then find a world that is far more diverse in the communities that would come from voluntary association. Of course some on the left would say that allowing nazis & other repugnant types to set up their own communities isn’t exactly positive & shouldn’t we being striving to rid humanity of hate & bigotry. I find it ironic that anytime I do my bit to take a stand against racism, homophobia & bigotry, leftist type people if around more often then not sit on the fence. You see people on the left think the way to solve issues like hate & bigotry is to get government to do something & of course getting government to deal with etc always means etc gets sorted doesn’t it? Thing is if you use force against others then you should expect others to use force against you; how well meaning it is to use government by using government you are using force. If socialists campaign to take charge of government then you’re going to get national socialists also campaigning to take charge of government. To be honest whoever is in charge of government is who ever the corporatist interest wants to be in charge or whoever is in charge of government can do as they like so long the corporatist interest get what they want. In fact big government suits the interests of the corporatist interest as big government tends to try & socially engineer the masses to conform & a far more uniformly homogenised society is easier to market to as well as manipulate.

A school friend of mine said to me not so long ago that I should of reached the age where pragmatism should overrule idealism, but I’ve kind of reached the stage in my life where I’ve tried to be pragmatic & well its not worked & so now I think fuck pragmatism. From now on I’m just going to say what I believe I what I believe is that free market anarchism. I’ve been living in denial for many years & I feel a fool for doing so.

User offline. Last seen 13 years 8 weeks ago.
Number 746
Weedwacker's picture
Conspirator for: 14 years 15 weeks
Posted on: January 31, 2011 - 8:27pm #1

Congratulations on dragging yourself back out of the matrix.

It may be pragmatic to avoid bringing anarchy up as a dinner discussion in mixed company, but pragmatism can never change who you are or what is right or wrong.


"Some scientists claim that hydrogen, because it is so plentiful, is the basic building block of the universe. I dispute that. I say there is more stupidity than hydrogen, and that is the basic building block of the universe."

Frank Zappa

User offline. Last seen 12 years 15 weeks ago.
Number 741
Conspirator for: 14 years 19 weeks
Posted on: February 1, 2011 - 8:40am #2

Weedwacker wrote:

It may be pragmatic to avoid bringing anarchy up as a dinner discussion in mixed company, but pragmatism can never change who you are or what is right or wrong.


I don't believe its right that people have to hide what they are but I get what you're saying