Ron Paul & LGBT support

User offline. Last seen 12 years 15 weeks ago.
Number 741
Conspirator for: 14 years 19 weeks
Posted on: August 18, 2011 - 5:07pm

Despite the concerns I & others have about statements that Ron Paul has made in the past about homosexuals, the irony is that Paul’s position on gay marriage is currently more progressive then Obama & other so called ‘progressive’ politicians.

I know many in the LGBT community might want gay marriage to be legal in all 50 states & I agree gay marriage should be legal in all 50 states, but I’d always make the point isn’t it better that it could be legalized in some states rather then no states. Ron Paul’s position as with that of all libertarians on gay marriage & marriage period & that is government shouldn’t be involved in regulating marriage. I agree that the government shouldn’t be involved in regulating marriage, but government does regulate marriage & so at least Ron Paul advocates that individual states with in the unuion should regulate marriage not the federal government & I believe that is a fair compromise.

I personally think that the conservative arguments against gay marriage are ridiculous & bigoted; I actually think there is no legitimate argument against gay marriage. Thing is despite the fact I believe there’s no legitimate argument against gay marriage; I’m a realist & as a transgendered friend of mine once remarked, if the federal government imposed gay marriage on a state such as Alabama there’d likely be riots. Its stupid there is opposition to gay marriage & Ron Paul’s position isn’t what I’d want for the LGBT community In the US; but one who can be as militantly liberal as I, has to admit what Ron Paul is offering for the LGBT community is better then anything being offered by any other Republican or Democrat candidate.

Libertarians have often seemed to me as people not prepared to compromise or settle for the lesser of two evils etc, but its been libertarians who have been attempting to counter my reservations about Ron Paul by telling me no candidate is perfect. I’m perfectly aware that no candidate is perfect & I’ve always been one to try & see the positives in a candidate’s or party’s platform & yet its often been libertarians who have bitched about compromising, settling for second best or just damn right selling out. I’m well aware that no candidate is going to be perfect & Ron Paul is far from perfect, but Ron Paul’s platform does tick a lot of boxes for me.

Ron Paul does tick a lot of boxes for me as he will do for many people on the left of the political spectrum, particularly when it comes to US military imperialism & the war on drugs. Paul des get plenty of respect from the left including from the likes of Ralph Nader. Paul supporters like to highlight that people on the left such as Dennis Kucinich & Ralph Nader, but I’m wondering if Paul supporters want support from the LGBT community? There have been lesbian & gays who have come out in support, but I wonder whether members of the LGBT community would be welcome in the inner circle of support for Ron Paul?

I know it might be considered confrontational or antagonistic, but I kind of think there should be folk from the LGBT community who become Ron Paul activists if just for any other reason then to expose any bigotry there might be amongst the support for Ron Paul. Yes Ron Paul’s states’ rights platform might sound friendlier to the LGBT community then any other GOP candidate, but I’m not sure that hardcore supporters of Ron Paul would be friendly towards folk from the LGBT community.

Let us remember that back in 2007, Ron Paul did get an endorsement & donation from nazi group Stormfront, let us remember that Ron Paul gets a great deal of support from Christian Fundamentalists, as well as 9/11 Truthers & other paranoid conservative wackos. Of course some might say that wackos coming out in support for Ron Paul is a fit up job by the establishment & others might point out that Obama got a sizable donation from the Louis Farrakhan & other Black Nationalists.

Obvious no candidate can help he gets support from & in a way that’s another reason why maybe people from the LGBT community should support Paul. I’ve often said that maybe libertarians would sell out gay rights for a tax cut, but one way to counteract that would be for people from the LGBT community to involve themselves with the libertarian movement to ensure that libertarians keep up their support greater freedom for the LGBT community. Maybe people from the LGBT community should get involved with supporting Ron Paul to dilute some of the wacky type support, to show people of a progressive nature support Paul, to embarrass Obama by illustrating Paul’s policy towards the LGBT community is fact more progressive regardless of past remarks Paul might of made about the LGBT community.

User offline. Last seen 11 years 2 weeks ago.
Number 234
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Posted on: August 18, 2011 - 9:24pm #1

Sophia (I still want to call you Ziggy),

I was going to respond in the Straw Poll thread but you've expanded on your thoughts in this one.  It doesn't really what someone thinks about you.  It only matters what they are going to do about it.  I've seen no indication that Ron Paul would use the Federal Gov't to come down on homosexuals.  Remember, the segment of the Christian conservative movement that wants to use government is mirrored by a gay left movement that also wants to force their way on everyone.  I think these matters should be handled culturally and let the chips fall where they may.

As an aside, I never understood this overwhelming need for acceptance and approval by gay activists.  I'm sure there are a lot of gays and lesbians out there who are just going about their business and get along fine.


Liberty lies in the hearts of men and women; when it dies there, no constitution, no law, no court can save it

Learned Hand

In the past men created witches: now they create mental patients.
Thomas Szasz

Relinquish liberty for the purposes of defense in an emergency?
Why? It would seem that in an emergency, of all times, one needs
his greatest strength. So if liberty is strength and slavery is weakness,
liberty is a necessity rather than a luxury, and we can ill afford
to be without it—least of all during an emergency.

F.A. Harper

User offline. Last seen 12 years 15 weeks ago.
Number 741
Conspirator for: 14 years 19 weeks
Posted on: August 19, 2011 - 8:52am #2

The reason gays & lesbians might have an overwhelming need for acceptance & approval could have something to with the likes of Michele Bachmann’s husband running a ‘degay’ program, Christian preachers demonizing homosexuals, the conservative media vilifying homosexuals.


Oh I’m sure Christian fundamentalists or Christian conservatives would use government to oppose their agenda on all, but I think you misunderstand what you perceive as the agenda of what you perceive as the ‘gay left’. The LGBT community don’t want to impose or restrict anybody, they don’t want special treatment, the LGBT community just want equal rights. In this day & age, it wouldn’t be considered repugnant & unjust for any government to ban mix race marriages, no politician would advocate banning mix race marriages & so I believe it shouldn’t be acceptable for government or politicians to be discriminating against a section of society who are doing no harm.

I have to make the point that if you believe the LGBT are somehow trying to impose their agenda of equal rights, would you of believed that of Blacks 50 years ago when Martin Luther King etc were campaigning for equal rights.