Police Destroying property to "Prove a Point"

User offline. Last seen 12 years 32 weeks ago.
Number 632
Conspirator for: 15 years 5 weeks
Posted on: October 29, 2009 - 1:03pm


It really irks me the way the story was not only reported, but how they proported it as a good thing. 

User offline. Last seen 14 years 51 weeks ago.
Joe Banana
Number 651
Conspirator for: 14 years 51 weeks
Posted on: December 4, 2009 - 9:53pm #1

"Police destroying property to rove a point" Bull Sh*t, police stealing cars, and contributing to crime. This is STEALING, not "forfeiting". America has a real problem with corruption in government. Blatant disregard for thw laws, in fact the law means nothing when it comes to enforcing it. So what if the cops break ten laws to catch someone breaking one, it's all good. The courts have no credibility, the judges are bigger criminals than the ones they put in jail. This country is SICK, and needs to be put out of it's misery.

User offline. Last seen 7 years 21 weeks ago.
Gardner Goldsmith
Number 6
Gardner Goldsmith's picture
Conspirator for: 19 years 4 weeks
Posted on: December 5, 2009 - 2:24pm #2

This is really sickening. You know, I've heard that only people who think like engineers turn out to be libertarians, because they trace the vectors of economics -- the unintended consequences, the "unseen" ramifications of government action. But really, it's just common sense isn't it? Can't one realize that giving the gubment a monopoly on the construction of roads and the monopoly on the maintenance and policing of the roads AND giving the gubment the power to prohibit private action because it might be "unsafe" will lead to the government banning private racing on private tracks (out of "safety concerns"), which will drive the racers onto the government roads, which will lead the cops to go after them without concern about the "lawbreakers'" private property. Once private property is forfeit through taxation and regulation, all bets are off. And once gubment restricts choices for movement, the people who want to move fast and race will put the others in jeopardy -- tragedy of the commons inspired by government, once more. Sick.

User offline. Last seen 9 years 50 weeks ago.
Number 468
FUR3jr's picture
Conspirator for: 16 years 6 weeks
Posted on: December 6, 2009 - 12:43pm #3

This is going to end in blood, I can smell it.  Some cop is going to crush some dude's car, and he's going to and put a bee-bee in the cops ear.  Then they'll show head of the person who's car was destroyed, with his head being crushed in the machine shop of the local PD.  Yeah, that's great fodder for the morning show.