No Free Speech Please We Are British

User offline. Last seen 12 years 1 week ago.
Number 531
Conspirator for: 15 years 15 weeks
Posted on: May 10, 2009 - 7:20am

Let me start off by saying I think Michael Savage is a individual with despicable views, in fact let me correct that he’s a man with despicable views that are dangerous. Michael Savage in my opinion is definitely an asshole but as I’ve always said even assholes have the right to free speech. Now thanks to the British government Michael Savage is an asshole with a lot of press & yet another free speech martyr.

Michael Savage is a US based conservative radio talk show host; he generally blames liberals for everything & generally is something of a bigoted. But to be fair the kind of views that Savage expresses aren’t to dissimilar to the views you’d hear in any Chavy pub. But hey we live with the notion that government can ban or punish whoever expresses an opinion its not willing to tolerate. Never mind the notion that all individuals have the right to free speech because free speech is long dead here in Britain; its now merely a privilege which is only for those who express opinions that the British government is prepared to tolerate.

The British government barring entrance to Michael Savage is another day for free speech not long after the previous bad day free speech back in February when Dutch politician Geert Wilders was barred from entering Britain because he had some negative things to say about Islam. Well I doubt Savage has anything positive to say about Islam either but neither do I have anything great to say about Islam but I’m an anti-theist & don’t have anything positive to say about organised religion period. Yeah its pretty obvious I’ve got strong opinions & so due to my own self interest I worry about the illustration which is set by barring individuals from entering the country because they happen to hold opinions the government doesn’t like. It’s an illustration that you can only hold & express opinions which the government is prepared to tolerate. In other words you’re no longer entitled to your opinion unless government approves of that opinion & though this seems to of only been directed at foreign nationals trying to enter the country really this is going to be the case for those of us living in Britain.

Now when I say it’s a dangerous precedence for government infringing free speech its almost feels like a cliché but it is a dangerous precedence but I know nobody will take any serious note. Let me ask this do you like government telling you what you should think or say? Well this exactly what’s going on but people won’t know it until they try express an opinion which government doesn’t approve of…As the old saying goes people don’t know what liberty is until they no longer have it.

User offline. Last seen 13 years 14 weeks ago.
Number 553
Conspirator for: 15 years 5 weeks
Posted on: May 10, 2009 - 4:50pm #1

Well ranted, Ziggy!

Who was it that said 'free speech is very important because it shows up the assholes for what they are'?

I believe people have the right to be assholes. And I have the right to tell them they are assholes.




User offline. Last seen 12 years 1 week ago.
Number 531
Conspirator for: 15 years 15 weeks
Posted on: July 6, 2009 - 10:52am #2

I wrote this  when Geert Wilders was barred from entering the country & I was not so pleased with Chris Huhne who I've actually met & thought was a complete tosser

User offline. Last seen 9 years 21 weeks ago.
Number 468
FUR3jr's picture
Conspirator for: 15 years 28 weeks
Posted on: July 11, 2009 - 1:06am #3

Aparently, there is no free speech if you are Irish either.  Check this out, BLASPHEMING is not a crime punishable by 25,000 Euro fine!

I highly recommend that people join this social network which came about when BureauCrash social .

Now, here comes the part where I rant.

As many of you may know, I am a huge Red Sox (Baseball) fan.  So, after the Red Sox won the world series in 2004 (after an 86 year drought, where they were painfully close to winning it all on numerous ocasions, I started reading a book by the famous Red Sox fan Steven King (and the not so famous Stewart O' Nan) in the book "Faithful: Two Diehard Boston Red Sox Fans Chronicle the Historic 2004 Season."

Now when I read this book, I was totally stoked, because, I had read one of the Dark Tower series and LOVED it.  So I was having a really good time reading the book, until, out of the blue, Stephen King blasphemed against MY religeon while writing about the Red Sox.  I don't know why he chose to do that, but it really pissed me off.

But here comes the best part.  I wanted to find a way to damage Stephen Kings character.  But I couldn't really find anything, except for telling people that he blasphemed against my church.  This went on for about 5 years, until I found the perfect way.

I was listening to Free Talk Live on a monday, when Gardner Goldsmith was hosting.  And there was this absolutely amazing caller, who started off on a relatively cogent conversation, but then while Ian and the caller were discussing what ever point of anti-government doctrine, the guy totally went OFF topic to tell us about how Stephen King had MURDERED none other than John Lennon.  The dude went on and on about how there was this elaborate government conspiracy to murder John Lennon, which came from Ronald Reagan, and was corroborated by mysterious cryptic headlines in various major U.S. periodicals.

Who was the alleged trigger-man?  None other than Stephen King, blasphemer extrodinaire!

I have since become the second largest proponent of in the entire world.