Haiku are excellent for use on twitter. If you tweet this, invite people to post their own either here, or they can just tweet them. I will attempt to collect them here. Use the hashtag #TSAhaiku. Also if you want to point people to the Liberty Conspiracy website, I have a shortened URL to this page so they can view all the haiku. Here's the link: ➡.ws/LC10
This is in references Gard's excellent turn of phrase "klaxons of anger" found in his most recent podcast about the hypocrisy of the agents of the United States Government when it's okay for them to assasinate citizens of the United States, but state that its not okay for Iran to assasinate foreign "dignitaries."
Basketball doesn't necessarily only have to be really just rule licensed play during an indoor fire wood court. You will find many varied variations relating to the game which usually bring basketball towards whole cutting edge level. Variety is about the things which basketball a very popular recreation. www.scorespro.com
Ohhh fun!
Tired of perverts on street?
Want them to get jobs?
Send them right to T. S. A.

Jackie Fiest
TSA grabs Touchee
And we all say Touche'
I used to be the man. Until I decided to stick it to myself - mothyspace
A nation of sheep will beget a government of wolves. – Edward R. Murrow
Government loves you,
So much so,
It wants to protect you,
Against yourself,
With it Guns, Taxation and Relaxation,
That relaxing power,
Of Guns and rubber gloves.
Here's another one I wrote:
"T.S.A. checkpoints require
Less than 3 ounces
Of personal lubricant."
Haiku are excellent for use on twitter. If you tweet this, invite people to post their own either here, or they can just tweet them. I will attempt to collect them here. Use the hashtag #TSAhaiku. Also if you want to point people to the Liberty Conspiracy website, I have a shortened URL to this page so they can view all the haiku. Here's the link: ➡.ws/LC10
"Rubber golves touching my flesh
Sweet violations
of my fourth amendment rights"
"Airport Porno-scans:
T.S.A. zombies
Upload them to BitTorrent"
"Iron hands in latex gloves
feeling up your junk
on your way to Grandma's house"
#TSAhaiku #wewontfly #optout
here's one from darrylbendroid on twitter
Don't want to be scanned? /
Ok, then you can opt out. /
Now I'll touch your groin.
"Poison radiating through/
delicate soft tissue/
causing cancerous lesions"
http://xn--hgi.ws/LC10 #TSAhaiku #wewontfly
In a banana hammock/
The TSA says/
That's the only way to fly
Opt out of airport x-rays?
In a perfect world
you'd get a happy ending.
Congressional ethics team/
impotently probes/
Charlie Rangel's choices
#haiku #corruption
Why does our fed government
like to strip us of
rights, property and clothing?
this is from SouthernPatriot on twitter:
freedom liberty/
common law and rights voided/
enter police state
Wesley Snipes goes to prison/
for saving his cash/
from federal vampires
How much does your airport cost?/
I'll run it better/
safe and cheap. Love, the Market
http://xn--hgi.ws/LC10 #TSAhaiku #wewontfly
As I prepare for my airport protest I wrote this haiku
Disposable underwear/
The next time I fly/
This is what I'll wear... SOILED!
Here is a little news story related to my poetry recital at the Salt Lake City International Airport this morning:
Many many wire reports have picked up a similar story which mentions me, but says nothing of the poetry.
I have heard a report that the haiku in this thread were read on the air by KSL news radio.
http://www.sltrib.com/sltrib/home/50744546-76/airport-security-tsa-lake.html.csp?page=1 this is an article in the Salt Lake Tribune which appeared on Nov. 24. Got pounded in the comments, as I didn't have time to be actively engaged in the 12 pages of discussion that ensued.
Julian Assange/
"Loose lips sink dictatorships"/
Those ships should not float
@wikileaks #haiku4freedom #wikileaks #haiku
Do you think it's wrong/
When the state kills innocents?/
Bradley Manning does
#haiku4freedom #wikileaks @mikegogulski
Rod Blagojevich/
Sold Obama's Senate Seat/
Showed his corruption
http://xn--hgi.ws/LC15 #haiku4freedom @historytoday #corruption
Panties in a bunch?/
Hillary Clinton's sure are!/
Thank you Julian!
http://xn--hgi.ws/LC16 #haiku4freedom #corruption #wikileaks
United Nations:
"Happy Human Rights Day, slave!"
Now get back to work.
http://xn--hgi.ws/LC17 #haiku4freedom #debtslave #UN
I'm fasting today/
In honor of Liu Xiaobo/
10 more years in jail
TSA Checkpoint/
homo-erotic toucing/
paid for with taxes
former congressman
Larry Craig ejoys being
screened by TSA
@wewontfly #haiku http://➡.ws/LC27
Colonel Kaddaffi/
His banks get U. S. Dollars/
While his troops are bombed
#haiku @antiwar2 #antiwar #micropoetry
Egypt's uprising/
Brings a military coup/
We want to be free!
#haiku #freedom #micropoetry http://➡.ws/LC30
Middle east revolts/
Syrian protesters die/
when the tanks roll in
#haikurevolution #haiku #Syria http://➡.ws/LC31
Robert Mugabe:
Mike Campbell has bought the farm/
Mount Carmel is yours
#haikurevolution #opression #zimbabwe http://➡.ws/LC32
Bin Laden is dead/
What did you learn from this man?/
Was he all evil?
#haiku #micropoetry #antiwar
They chant U.S.A./
those that celebrate a death/
remember Kent State?
#Haiku #antiwar http://➡.ws/LC34
Barack Obama/
Extra-judicial killing/
We call that "War Crimes"
#antiwar #OBL #haiku #justice http://➡.ws/LC37
Jesus Christ is the/
Gold Standard for human life/
The Messiah is here
#rapture #haiku #agoism #liveit http://xn--hgi.ws/LC39
FBI liars/
Confined Geronimo Pratt/
27 years
#RIP #History #haiku
Phan Thị Kim Phúc lives/
Burned in a napalm attack/
helps kids from war zones
#antiwar #haiku #B+
Monopoly cop/
released from prison today's/
Oscar Grant's killer
In 1840/
Britain ended slavery/
No war was needed
#haiku #freedom #antiwar http://➡.ws/LC40
Jesse Owens shows/
All men are created equal/
to NAZI scumbags
#history #haiku @historyday http://➡.ws/LC41
"Feeling overdraught,"
Said Nixon to investors
"Closing gold window."
Troy Davis died by/
execution style murder/
Let us not mince words
#haiku #troydavis #govtfail http://➡.ws/LC43
hypocrisy found/
Saudi Embassy plot sounds/
claxons of anger
#antiwar http://xn--hgi.ws/LC44
This is in references Gard's excellent turn of phrase "klaxons of anger" found in his most recent podcast about the hypocrisy of the agents of the United States Government when it's okay for them to assasinate citizens of the United States, but state that its not okay for Iran to assasinate foreign "dignitaries."
You can find the podcast either on the front page of libertyconspiracy.com or through the streaming player here: http://libertyconspiracy.podomatic.com/player/web/2011-10-13T10_22_30-07...
Basketball doesn't necessarily only have to be really just rule licensed play during an indoor fire wood court. You will find many varied variations relating to the game which usually bring basketball towards whole cutting edge level. Variety is about the things which basketball a very popular recreation. www.scorespro.com
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