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Government Tries To Cause Panic & Tells People To Break the Law
The fuel tanker drivers have balloted for strike action over safety concerns & the Tory led government response to this isn't to find a resolution to this dispute but to cause panic & advise people to break the law.
It might sound like good advice from the government to stock up on cans of petrol but its already creating some panic at the pumps & in fact panic at the pumps is exactly what the government wants as will give them the propaganda edge against the fuel tanker drivers striking etc. Its also been pointed out that the amount of petrol that government ministers having been advising people to stock up om is against the law
it doesn't really matter which party is in government when it suits their interests to advise people to break the law they likely will.
According to various motoring organizations the panic at the pumps caused by the government is raising more tax revenue to the government
As I say its actually in the interests of govt to cause panic
According to various motoring organizations the panic at the pumps caused by the government is raising more tax revenue to the government
I don't think OUR psychopathic overlords are smart enough to come up with anything like that.
Actively Disengaged - The Webcomic They Don't Want You To Read!