George Bush in Just Six Words

User offline. Last seen 11 years 26 weeks ago.
Number 5150
Number 100
Conspirator for: 17 years 37 weeks
Posted on: January 14, 2009 - 3:30pm

"Blog From Bolivia" is written by a leftie, big-government American expat who lives in a town called Cochabamba.  Although I almost never agree with his take on things, he does provide the news.  (My wife is from Bolivia, hence the interest).  A few months ago he asked the readers to describe Bolivia in exactly six words.  It was actually a lot of fun to see what the readers came up with.

Today, he's asking his readers to sum up George Bush's legacy in exactly six words.  My entry:  "Constitution's just a piece of paper!" (I would have quoted more accurately had the rules allowed for seven words).

I'd love to see what the Conspiracy can come up with....


- Stephen M. Smith

User offline. Last seen 10 years 11 weeks ago.
Number 468
FUR3jr's picture
Conspirator for: 16 years 18 weeks
Posted on: January 14, 2009 - 5:13pm #1

Egomaniac falls off wagon destroys country

User offline. Last seen 7 years 33 weeks ago.
Gardner Goldsmith
Number 6
Gardner Goldsmith's picture
Conspirator for: 19 years 16 weeks
Posted on: January 15, 2009 - 5:56pm #2

Hey! You hit ti perfectly. He is reported to have said just that, a fact about which my mother used to often remind me.


Of course, we could use a lot of other words, perhaps the "seven dirty words" from George Carlin's famous stand up bit.


Good thing we're on the internet, where they aren't regulating speech -- yet!

User offline. Last seen 14 years 15 weeks ago.
Number 306
MacFall's picture
Conspirator for: 16 years 38 weeks
Posted on: January 24, 2009 - 10:00pm #3


Small government rhetoric, big government reality.

Brilliant, Mr. Smith.

Here's one of mine:

Just another bloody figurehead of leviathan.

(Another thought: it would be fun to do this in haiku.)


Government is not a necessary evil. Rather, it is an evil of such great power that it has been able to convince us of its necessity.

User offline. Last seen 12 years 43 weeks ago.
Number 531
Conspirator for: 16 years 5 weeks
Posted on: January 25, 2009 - 3:38pm #4

I thought Green Day did the best ever description of GW Bush