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EPA Shakedown of filling station owner
On the Liberty Conspiracy Podcast of 03/24/2009, Gardner spoke with a man named David Zlotec.
How do you spell that last name?
I will be writing a letter to the editor of the Union Leader, and contacting the various parties mentioned in said podcast.
The man being directly victimized by the "EnvironMENTAL Protection Agency" is named Edward Zlotec. He owned the Mobil Gas Station on the corner of Hanover St. and Lake Avenue in Manchester.
Here is the contact information for the outlets mentioned in the 'cast:
Newsroom (tips, inquiries, news releases):
Phone: (603) 668-4321 ext. 0 or (800) 562-8218 ext. 0
Letters to the Editor:
WMUR-teevee: Newsroom 603.669.9999
U.S. Senator Judd "Head" Gregg: 603.622.7979 or 202.224.3324
U.S. Senator Jeanne Shaheen: 603.647.7500 or 202.224.3324
U.S. Representative Carol Shea-Porter: 603.641.9536 or 202.225.5456
U.S. Representative Paul Hoades: 603.225.5206 or 603.579.6913
On the Liberty Conspiracy Podcast of 03/24/2009, Gardner spoke with a man named David Zlotec.
How do you spell that last name?
I will be writing a letter to the editor of the Union Leader, and contacting the various parties mentioned in said podcast.
The man being directly victimized by the "EnvironMENTAL Protection Agency" is named Edward Zlotec. He owned the Mobil Gas Station on the corner of Hanover St. and Lake Avenue in Manchester.
Here is the contact information for the outlets mentioned in the 'cast:
Newsroom (tips, inquiries, news releases):
Phone: (603) 668-4321 ext. 0 or (800) 562-8218 ext. 0
Letters to the Editor:
WMUR-teevee: Newsroom 603.669.9999
U.S. Senator Judd "Head" Gregg: 603.622.7979 or 202.224.3324
U.S. Senator Jeanne Shaheen: 603.647.7500 or 202.224.3324
U.S. Representative Carol Shea-Porter: 603.641.9536 or 202.225.5456
U.S. Representative Paul Hoades: 603.225.5206 or 603.579.6913
Thanks, buddy!
Yeah, David's dad is named Edward Zlotek, and he owned the station for abotu forty years. I spoke to David yesterday, and he's holding back a coupel days before proceding on the media contacts himself, because he told me he wants to get the letters to the reps done first. He expects things to start apace on Monday, and I'll let everyone know then. I'll also post the Globe article, and David is going to make JPG images of the official letters he's gotten. Evidently, the state of NH is in on trying to grab a bunch of this money as well! Jeesh!
Any further word on what David wants to do right now?