Ear Pinning and Otoplasty San Antonio

User offline. Last seen 9 years 43 weeks ago.
Number 1624
Conspirator for: 10 years 13 weeks
Posted on: April 4, 2015 - 12:06am

Otoplasty San Antonio has always been one of the best directories for all things ear reduction and ear pinning related. If you have big ears and would like to reduce their size, then this is the place you should go to. Also, if you would like to pin your ears back, this place is for you. No longer do you have to grow your hair out to cover your ears. No longer do you have to wear baseball caps and hide your hears inside. A lot of people are insecure about the size of their ears. We understand that it is hard to have to go through school with said ears. Kids will make fun of you and all of that bad stuff. But the solution is that you can get them fixed at Otoplasty San Antonio. ear surgery san antonio Even kids as young as three or four can get otoplasty or ear pinning surgery. It's actually preferable to get the procedure while the child is still really young.

All in all, if you really want ear reduction surgery, then you can really benefit from checking out what this place can do for you.

User offline. Last seen 9 years 46 weeks ago.
Number 1884
Conspirator for: 9 years 46 weeks
Posted on: April 4, 2015 - 7:01am #1

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