Congratulations Barack Obama!

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Number 506
peppermint_pig's picture
Conspirator for: 16 years 11 weeks
Posted on: January 13, 2009 - 8:10pm

I'd just like to congratulate Obama on a fantastic run as our president elect. I'm sure it wasn't easy, but you pulled through!

Also, I hear a few lucky individuals have discovered the golden tickets and will be offered an all-expenses paid trip to Obama's chocolate city inauguration. If only I could bathe in the awesome chocolate rain.




( This is a cue to spark Gardner's imagination XD )


Vigilia Pretium Libertatis

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Gardner Goldsmith
Number 6
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Conspirator for: 19 years 16 weeks
Posted on: January 14, 2009 - 2:25pm #1

Oh, man!

The imagery, the imagery! (Insert Apocalypse Now reference here!)


Can't tell u how crazy the media is going to get on this upcoming inaurguration. But yeah, at least Parliament was right, and I love that tune, so hey, DC is now the Chocolcate City, and the prediction from the Seventies is for real. No racial thoughts on my part, just a smile that George Clinton's seen CC come true!

But hey, remember when Mayor Nagan of New Orleans said he wanted his city to be the Chocolate City? That was a riot, because then he back-tracked and said that it needed all sorts of different colors ofpeople to live there. Whatever. I could care less about racial schisms and racial politics. I just wanna make sure Dr. Funkenstein gets his due!!!!


User offline. Last seen 12 years 20 weeks ago.
Number 506
peppermint_pig's picture
Conspirator for: 16 years 11 weeks
Posted on: January 14, 2009 - 6:23pm #2

Oh, you mean like Spicy Hot Chocolate, or White Chocolate? Yeah! Nagan is right, diversity is delicious!

Agreed... I hear people talk about how amazing it is that we have a black president, and I can recognize the 'significance' or shock it has on the older generations, but I'm then compelled to ask them what importance it has in context to real issues, and the conversation usually ends there. It says a great deal about what people are thinking, or not thinking about today.

Hey Gard, I actually own that Parliament CD! I also own 'Funkentelechy Vs. The Placebo Syndrome'. Let me know if you have a copy of that, because there's a nice little gem on there for Bernanke and the FED I'd send you if you don't have it. :)

I'd love to hear you do a delirious inauguration skit with Obama walking people through his Willy Wonka chocolate city, explaining his platform, scene by scene with kids getting picked off or maimed by the system. Not saying you have to do it, sweet cheeks, but it's amusing to imagine...

Just today I caught a CNN anchor replacing the I in inauguration with an O... he quickly corrected himself, but it was still amusing to hear it. It's a kind of branding insanity.

I wonder what other words will be given the O-doublespeak touch in the upcoming years... Shall we catch ourselves referring to the State of the Union address as the State of the O'nion? Seems fitting to me. Even kids will get in on the trend: Instead of Cheerios, children across the US will demand O'reos, claiming they are a superior source of nutrition and patriotism, stressing the latter. Even university educated economists who give lip service to the central control regime will find themselves slipping up, and inevitably the word Depression will find new life as O'pression.

/See you at the O'nauguration.


John A

Peppermint Pig

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evil muppet
Number 465
Conspirator for: 16 years 19 weeks
Posted on: January 19, 2009 - 2:37am #3

things I'd rather be doing than attending Comrade Obama's coronation...... Bash my head in with a hammer....pull my fingernails off with pliers.....chew on a handful of broken glass..... read the dictionary...... perform my own a porno starring Rosie O'Donnell.

User offline. Last seen 15 years 22 weeks ago.
Andrew Slominski
Number 489
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Conspirator for: 16 years 15 weeks
Posted on: January 22, 2009 - 2:33am #4

I posted a new poster on my site. Liberty-lovers will like it! It is a great tool to wake up your blind conservative/liberal friend. Enjoy: