Condemning Poppy Burning But No Condemnation Of Killing

User offline. Last seen 12 years 15 weeks ago.
Number 741
Conspirator for: 14 years 19 weeks
Posted on: March 10, 2011 - 9:37am

Earlier this week, a man was fined £50 after burning two large plastic poppies during a two-minute silence at an Armistice Day event last November.

Prime Minister David Cameron has said of the incident that it was “completely out of order and has no place in a tolerant society”.

Actually you’re wrong David because the basis of a tolerant society is tolerance for free speech & tolerance for anyone to protest no matter how much anyone of us might disagree with any protest.

The man who carried out this protest on Armistice Day was a Muslim extremist & I certainly don’t support the agenda of Islamic extremism, but I do believe all have the right to free speech & the right to protest no matter how much it might disgust me.

The hysteria there’s been in some parts of the media about this incident & the over the top reverence with out question many seem to have for ‘the troops’ does raise some serious questions.

An over reverence for ‘the troops’ is what some intellectuals have recognised as a symptom of a fascist state. An over reverence for ‘the troops’ without question is seriously dangerous because it creates a climate where nobody can legitimately question whether the actions of the ‘the troops’ happen to be just. One already has to hide behind a a computer to seriously question the armed forces, because if one publically questions those in the armed forces or what the armed forces do, you can find yourself being confronted with threats of violence.

Its kind of ironic to me that whilst people have been getting their panties in a bind about some man burning poppies, no body seems to be getting upset about individuals signing up to go & kill people. Nobody is forced to join the British army; nobody is forced at gunpoint down to the army recruitment office to sign up & yet when somebody does sign up to kill & then gets injured or killed then we are all expected to be sympathetic.

Of course some will say that I shouldn’t be so critical or damn right nasty because ‘the troops’ put their lives on the line for my freedom. The involvement of British troops in Afghanistan & Iraq did not secure my freedom, in fact the involvement of British troops in Afghanistan & Iraq has eroded my freedom as well as all others living in Britain, the involvement of British troops in Afghanistan & Iraq has in fact put all our lives in greater danger as proven by the terrorist attacks in London on 7/7.

I know many sign up to join the armed forces because they think they’re defending Britain, when they’re signing up to be hired killers for the Military Industrial Complex. Afghanistan & iraq weren’t about defending the shores of Britain, in fact the last war that really was about defending British shores was the Second World War (though the Falklands War was about defending British territory). These days all the British armed forces happen to be are hired killers for Military Industrial Complex. Afghanistan & Iraq weren’t about securing freedom for all but about securing freedom for the Military Industrial Complex to plunder natural resources such as oil.

Some say that its okay to oppose war but not okay not to support the troops. Politicians might start wars but who fights them? If there weren’t so many willing to go off & fight for the agenda of the Military Industrial Complex then there weren’t be as much war. Bottom line is that it is those who decide to sign up to join the armed forces, who are the ones deciding to fight wars & the over reverence they now seem to get for deciding to fight those wars, utterly sickens me!

I’d concluded by saying I’d not be as objectionable about the peer pressure to support ‘the troops’ if ‘the troops’ actually did what many seem to perceive them as doing & that is defending Britain, but that’s not what they’re doing & I strongly object to what they are doing. Like the US army, the British army is now nothing but hired killers for the Military Industrial Complex & their agenda of greed & enslavement.

User offline. Last seen 13 years 8 weeks ago.
Number 746
Weedwacker's picture
Conspirator for: 14 years 15 weeks
Posted on: March 13, 2011 - 2:08pm #1

Some great points.  Over the years I've run into ex-military people who fought in various conflicts.  Some were special forces or intel. analysts.   Some are still patriotic, but others would say things like "I'm not doing anybody else's dirty work anymore", and "I'm telling you, don't believe anything they tell you, nothing is what you think it is".

In the U.S. you only need look back to Washington's malitia act of 1792 to see the conscription by force of every able bodied male in the new republic, some of the earliest traces of federal military tyranny and empire with the seeds of aggression being watered, even by a purported non-interventionist liberal.  

How quickly fear and distrust of our fellow man become the tools of power and propogate the smashing of happiness in the name of the pursuit of happiness.


"Some scientists claim that hydrogen, because it is so plentiful, is the basic building block of the universe. I dispute that. I say there is more stupidity than hydrogen, and that is the basic building block of the universe."

Frank Zappa