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Cable internet..or what it could be
another drunken rant by yours truly
Aussies, Kiwi's, Koala's Oh my!
I ping pretty good to the COD4 server, I live in southern CA. Maybe I'm going out on a limb, but if I ping 30-40 I'm not to far away from the box. At times I get blasted before I can even get a shot off, when I felt we both had an even shake on the deal. I immediately check to see their ping, and if it is relatively low, I shrug it off as just my mediocre PC. Honestly it is hard for me to actually believe people actually use wall hacks, or some other shit to help them win a freakin video game. I got bored w/ Mario brothers after I learned how to hop on that fuckin turtle a hundred times and get a shit load of 1-ups!
Point is, that I think it's pathetic, and I believe most use PC power instead.
Now this brings me to the Aussies, and the Z landers. Just tonight I got my ass handed to me by a self proclaimed kiwi, and I just thought it was disgusting. I could have done better, in which was part of my disgust. However I was more disgusted with the advancement of technoledgy. More disgusted by the hindrance of it!
Other countries have a little bit more liberty in certain areas, and therefore they are able to compete with the monopolized US Cable companies. Liberty in competition, liberty in being able to compete in a true free market. There does not appear to be any Liberty in the so called "land of the free"!
Some might say, "but ya Brain, that is why everyone is going socialist, cause the free market thing just don't work..". I say NAY! There has never really been a free market! I am going to get hate mail after this... but your constitution, and your government are socialistic ideas to begin with. If your constitution was meant to hold leaders accountable, and protect people from tyranny.. It Failed!
It is now time to live a different way, and that means deffending yourself! If you cannot, then hire people on your own buck, don't steal from me! Forget about puplic anything, it should all be claimed or bought from another! That way, if you don't like certain shit done on your property, you have the right to say get the fuck off.
Government is nothing more than that of a company with many monopolies. It works like the mafia, and steals your hard earned money for shit you don't want to give too. They often use terms like "I'm just doing my job", which was also used by jack booted nazi thugs back in the 1940's. The Triumph Of Will, is a nazi propaganda film. Very similar to that which was in the recent Terintino movie Inglorious Bastards. Today this propaganda is on every single channel!
But most are too interested in sports, and entertainment, they never question the tyranny around them! Nobody questions the fact that their so called "representatives" do not represent them! Bailout...? Public says NO, so called representatives said "YES"! 1000 to 1, but it doesn't matter! Have I digressed? Fuck it... Nobody gives a rats ass about freedom anyways...
Right on Brainwashed!
This is an excellent piece of truth. Love the tone, the sentiment, and the earnestness of your piece here. I think you should consider calling the Liberty Conspiracy Hotline and reading it.