Are you 'qualified' to care?

User offline. Last seen 12 years 15 weeks ago.
Number 741
Conspirator for: 14 years 19 weeks
Posted on: February 7, 2011 - 12:37pm

I’d agree with leftists that the world would be better off if individuals didn’t discriminate against one another upon things such as gender, sexual orientation, skin colour, where somebody happened to be born or what limbs don’t work. I agree the world would be better off without discrimination, prejudice & bigotry, but I’ve got fed up with campaigning against such things because those leftists who often surround me are fucking cowards! Anytime I’ve taken a stand against an onslaught of bigotry, leftists who might be present have done nothing in supporting me & the reason is simply that they believe its not their job to fight bigotry but the government’s job.

Regardless of government being funded by guns being pointed at individuals, I can testify my experience as a disabled person that most leftists I know seem to think that somebody needs to be specially trained to care about me. Jesus fucking Christ; whatever happened to encouraging love for your fellow man. You don’t need a fucking university degree course to be able to care about somebody & if people think there needs to be then geez there’s something seriously fucking wrong!

I wonder what leftists really think its like to be somebody who’s deemed to only be able to receive care for someone who’s somehow qualified. I can tell you that it doesn’t fill you with a great deal of confidence rather it fills you up with self loathing. Bluntly you’re telling somebody that you can’t care about them because your not qualified & leftists do this constantly because thanks to the welfare state.

Leftists can be bigger critics of the welfare state then any other group who has a self interest in eradicating it; but hold on wasn’t it leftists who supported its establishment? These days you’ll often hear leftists criticize the welfare state for enslaving people & sure that’s very true the welfare state does entrap many, but its leftists who have helped to create that by the expansion of the welfare state.

If somebody has cancer obviously they need a doctor who specialises in treating cancer but you don’t need somebody ‘qualified’ to naturally care about somebody suffering from cancer. You don’t need somebody ‘qualified’ to naturally care about somebody who might happen to be physically disabled.

I hate the government & I hate the government more then most because its government who fucked up my life literally. It was government which allowed my family to reject me due to their twisted snobbery. It was government which institutionalized me & then has refused to deal with the damage that did to me. Oh sure leftists point out that it’s the government which has kept me alive when no one else would. One thing I’ve often experienced as I’ve tried to live independently is that anytime I ask for help with the odd thing I’m unable to do the response usually is that I need some kind of support worker.

Grr Grrrrr Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

If people are to think that an individual needs to be qualified to care about another then we are doomed.

User offline. Last seen 13 years 8 weeks ago.
Number 746
Weedwacker's picture
Conspirator for: 14 years 15 weeks
Posted on: February 7, 2011 - 2:33pm #1

Degrees, certifications, and licenses.  I think if a mind accepts that needs for security and care, indeed virtually all human needs, are to be met by the state, perhaps that mind will hold that some sort of official piece of paper is needed to ordain any important activity.  When you are born you are welcomed into the world by a licensed health professional in a licensed health facility, using certified and licensed medical items and your birth is certified by the state.  You are taught in the government schools by licensed teachers.  When you marry you are licensed by the state.  When you drive, the state.  When you work, the state.  When you die, it's certified by the state.  You are embalmed by a liscensed mortician in a certified mortuary and buried in a certified cemetary in a hole dug by a licensed contractor.  Why not license compassion too?

The state is the largest religion in the world.



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Frank Zappa