Am I The Only One Disturbed With All the Orwellian Crap Going On With The Olympics

User offline. Last seen 12 years 15 weeks ago.
Number 741
Conspirator for: 14 years 19 weeks
Posted on: January 27, 2012 - 11:51am

It was announced lat month that there will be more British troops deployed on the streets of London during the running the Olympics then have ever been deployed in Afghanistan. The fact that there will 13,000 troops deployed on the streets of London during the Olympics which is several thousand more then have ever been deployed in Afghanistan, kind of begs the question are those attending the Olympics more of a threat then the Taliban?

As well as the more then 13,000 British troops that will be deployed to assist the police in the security operation during the Olympics there of course will already be thousands of police & of course nudge-nudge wink-wink other ‘security’ personnel in attendance.

The question I have is whether anybody is disturbed/concerned about all the Orwellian shit which happening in relation to London hosting the Olympics? Am I the only one who is concerned with all the Orwellian shit just for the sake of a sports event?

This week it was announced that nobody with a tent will be allowed into the Olympic Park with a tent because the authorities are fearful that there might be people pitching tents in an Occupy encampment type protest. Hmm here’s me thinking that we lived in a secular liberal democracy that respected democrat pluralism & the right to protest, but apparently during a couple weeks of running & jumping we bin democrat pluralism, the right to free speech, the right to protest. Yep nobody is going to have the right to protest about London hosting the Olympics despite the fact nobody living in London was ever asked whether they wanted the expense or disruption that comes with London hosting the Olympics?

Nobody living in London was asked whether they wanted the Olympics & now people aren’t permitted to protest that nobody living in London was asked whether they wanted London to host the Olympics & have to endure London becoming an Orwellian police state.

Nobody asked in London was asked whether they wanted London to host the Olympics & thus becoming an Orwellian police state, but that’s what they going to have to endure if they stay in London during the running of the Olympics & it’s primarily due to foreign policy of certain western countries including Britain & the United States.

Despite all the Orwellian police state bullshit which is happening in relation to the Olympics it will still not be good enough for American athletes. Anytime the Olympics are held outside the United States you hear American athletes bitch about whatever nation hosting the Olympics not being able provide sufficient security etc. Maybe American athletes wouldn’t need to bitch about security measures for the Olympics when its not held in the United States if the United States didn’t have the foreign policy of pissing people off in the most volatile places in the world. Maybe instead of bitching about various nations not being able to provide sufficient security they should be bitching at the United States government about its foreign policy & then they’d not need to bitch about Orwellian police measures not being good enough.

I know some will say that it’s a tad paranoid to worry about the amount of British troops being deployed on the streets of London during the Olympics & there being a military coup, but with the amount of troops being deployed on the streets of London there will not be a better opportunity for there being a military coup.

User offline. Last seen 11 years 2 weeks ago.
Number 234
Conspirator for: 17 years 9 weeks
Posted on: January 29, 2012 - 10:01am #1


I assume that Great Britian doesn't have an equivalent to a Posse Commitatus Act like we do in America.  This Act, which wasn't even necessary because there is no Constitutional delegation of any such power, prohibits the military from domestic law enforcement.  Was there at least any tradition in Great Britain whereby the military wasn't used for law enforcement?  I am of course not including Northern Ireland because it is not part of Great Britain while it is part of the the U.K.


Liberty lies in the hearts of men and women; when it dies there, no constitution, no law, no court can save it

Learned Hand

In the past men created witches: now they create mental patients.
Thomas Szasz

Relinquish liberty for the purposes of defense in an emergency?
Why? It would seem that in an emergency, of all times, one needs
his greatest strength. So if liberty is strength and slavery is weakness,
liberty is a necessity rather than a luxury, and we can ill afford
to be without it—least of all during an emergency.

F.A. Harper

User offline. Last seen 12 years 15 weeks ago.
Number 741
Conspirator for: 14 years 19 weeks
Posted on: January 29, 2012 - 10:31am #2

No there isn’t a British equivalent to the Posse Commitatus Act

Britain really hasn’t had a known history of military coups other then Oliver Cromwell etc; however there’s been a conspiracy theory that back in the 1970s the military were plotting to overthrow the Wilson government & there’s some evidence to give this credence.

Regardless of all the police state crap that is happening in relation to the Olympics my biggest objection is that nobody in London was actually asked whether they wanted London to host the Olympics.

I wish Gard would get me on the shoe because this is all pissing me off royally.