To mark a momentous occasion in the history of entertainment, and, to put it simply, to do something completely extraordinary, the founders of the Liberty Conspiracy are embarking on a new, four day project.

In addition to the expanding political coverage provided by the Conspirators, El G Grande and Number Two are creating a new project, broadening the scope of the site to acknowledge something special.

If you are hip to science-fiction, and love comedy... If you love SFX Magazine, the number one sci-fi entertainment mag in the world, then keep it tuned here, folks, for Gard and Malcolm are on their way to England to mark the return of the legendary UK television production, RED DWARF!

Mick and Gard will be logging their progress and exploits at this NEW, SPECIAL SITE, created for this extraordinary project! They will be writing, recording audio commentaries from England, and sitting down with the legendary Steve O'Brien, well known to readers of SFX and fans of sci-fi in general. Together, they will also be creating video logs of their journey, with special emphasis on how truly cool they are, of course... (Grin)...

For more, come here, starting Friday, or visit this site to go directly to their blog! Tell your friends, and become a SMEG HEAD for the final time, as RED DWARF returns for its triumphant conclusion!

AND, DESPITE his harddrive having died, Gard will continue to creat political podcasts which will be produced while on the road, and posted from the UK!!!! WOAH!

Be Seeing You!