Chinese Birth Control Policy - Something to Remember in State Marriage Debate

Those who would propose getting the government MORE involved in marriage by outlawing homosexual marriage have on many occasions explained that they simply want to insure that marriage is between a man and a woman. This, they say, is for the children. They have said that they want to make sure they put the force of the state behind the optimal environment for the raising of a child. This then begs the question of whether they would make ANY sub-optimal child-rearing situation illegal, and if not ANY, then which ones.

This is not what we want government to do, is it? In fact, why do we want goverment to give us permission to get married in the first place?

Look at this story from China, regarding their government-enforced birth control policies, and see if there is not a certain direction, a certain attitude, shared by the Chinese state and those who would use the state to prevent "sub-optimal" marriages/child-rearing from occuring.

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Number 1697
Conspirator for: 9 years 46 weeks
Posted on: January 28, 2015 - 2:56am #1

The Lynch amendment, CACR18, does nothing to get the courts out of education policy and funding.