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After Five Years, People Finally Begin to Notice That Scalia Does Not Care About Rights
Conspirators might recall the radio show we did in 2007, the day the S.Court released its "Heller" decision. While a lot of so-called "conservatives" applauded it, Glenn Jacobs and Gardner Goldsmith warned that at the end of the decision, Scalia completely undercut the very definition of rights, saying, in essence, "well yeah, it's an individual right, but rights can be atttenuated." Duh. They're called RIGHTS precisely because they are UNATTENUABLE. Well, Scalia is at it again, blithely dismissing the term rights on Fox News today. One of the reasons we've brought up the Heller case so often on the show is because Scalia did that, and we could see what was coming... Here it is
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