12-11: Steve Forbes, Gore's Prize

On Tuesday, 12-11, Gardner Goldsmith sat down to chat with the great booster of market freedom, Steve Forbes. Steve is working with the Rudy Giuliani campaign, and seemed to really enjoy talking to someone who “understands economics” as he said to Gardner.

Gard also delved into the opposite of Mr. Forbes. He discussed the egotistical clap-trap of Al Gore, who just received his Nobel Piece of Crap Award for his work spooking the world about anthropogenic global warming!

All from “Against the Grain” and www.libertyconspiracy.com

And, if you like Gard’s show, try his BOOK! It’s called “Live Free or Die” and is available NOW at www.AMAZON.com!

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Number 2064
Conspirator for: 8 years 24 weeks
Posted on: November 10, 2016 - 6:56pm #1

I appreciate the information. Definitely, I'll check on that reading material. - Marla Ahlgrimm