NY State Ready to Pass Further Infringements to Right to Keep and Bear Arms

Not surprising. One doubts that the agents of the state will be held to this standard if the bill passes.


One of the things many politicians fear, but will not mention in public, is the idea of large numbers of armed protesters. If large crowds of disaffected and put-upon citizens confronted police officers the way protesters at anti-globalist or "occupy" protests have, by the thousands compared to dozens of police, the politicians know that the citizens would begin to see that they DO have the ability to push back against the state.

There are many ways to do so, some involving withholding funds, some involving direct confrontation, some involving sabotage and guerilla warfare, all working to the advantage of the citizen, and not the military under the control of the state.

Be Seeing You!

And New Yorkers, feel free to move to NH if you want more freedom.