Your Kids Belong to the State!

User offline. Last seen 13 years 20 weeks ago.
Number 806
AgoraNut's picture
Conspirator for: 13 years 20 weeks
Posted on: October 23, 2011 - 11:25pm

So this is my first post in these forums, but a rant is good as any introductory post I s'pose. So what am I griping about? Those family shattering state beuracrats at the so called "Child Protective Services". Or as I tend to see them, the 'Family Police'. They are nothing but the State ghestapo we are all familiar with, but in particular, the arm that reaches into your home and tells you how you are to peacefully interact with your family.


So, what brought this out of me? Well Thursday afternoon here in Michigan, we had quite the inclimate weather. Mid 30's and the icy rain was blowing sideways. My fiance was drafted into dropping off her mothers health benefits paperwork at the Department of Human Services (welfare office) while having both our 1 year old daughter and her 8 year old son in the Jeep. So, she drives past the front glass doors to check what the line is like, which was nearly void of people (surprisingly). She parks, leaves the heat running, locks the doors leaving the kids in the Jeep, and runs through the rain, into the building, and hands the packet to the lady behind the glass with no wait. All of this took hardly two minutes, but upon returning to the Jeep, who is waiting for her, gawking in the vehicles windows? A bitch of a beuracrat with a shiney badge.


The Child Protective Agent hounded my fiance about why there weren't any adults in the car and how it was illegal (evidently in Michigan you have to be older than 6 (which her son was) and anyone who is under six, needs to have someone who is atleast 12 (or 13) in the car with them). My fiance had left them in the car because of the brutal weather, but CPS would rather she exposed them to the weather. The CP agent made her take herself, her son, and our daughter into the office where they could interrogate her and now they are launching an investigation for neglect.


So now I get to have an agent come to my house and try to investigate my property and question the hell outta me. If they cared about children so much, why would they expose my 1 year old to conditions I wouldn't even want to go out in? If they cared so much, why are they exposing my fiances kids to this emotional torture? Why are they casting their parents in such a light as to make their kids question their parents love for them? This is bullshit...