A Warning To The People Of The US About Universal Healthcare

User offline. Last seen 12 years 3 weeks ago.
Number 531
Conspirator for: 15 years 17 weeks
Posted on: July 10, 2009 - 2:20pm

People should remember there is a distinction between universal healthcare & state run healthcare. I'm sure Gard will explain the economic flaws to single tax paying point of entry state run universal healthcare the kind of healthcare we have here in Britain. But there's something else to in regards to state run healthcare other then the economic flaws, which is that rather then state universal healthcare delivering services where needed services are delivered according to political expediency.

Basically money will be sent upon services which will gain whoever is currently in charge of government more votes. It's well known that here in Britain that not enough has been spent on mental health but as its not politically expedient & so money & resources aren't spent where they are truly needed.

If you have ever seen Monty Python's The Meaning Of Life & the sketch about the machine that goes ping well its not to far from the truth. In that generally government wants to spend on equipment that cures this disease & prevents that illness, so its seen as if its doing something substantial when it comes to healthcare. Basically government likes illnesses like cancer & heart disease because you can draw up black & white statistics on recovering & prevent to wave in the faces of the electorate to say 'hey we are doing something vote for us'.

Its not as money doesn't need spending on cancer treatments etc but having a physical illness its easier to distinguish between having it, not having it or being cured of it. It's a far harder job to do the same with mental illness & anybody whose worked with the mentally ill will tell you that its not going to take a machine that goes ping but time & resources. But that's not where the government are going to spend money because the electorate's general response to people who are mentally ill is why they don't just get a fucking life.

Of course if the free market was brought into play then money would be spent where money needs to be spent not where its politically expedient to spend money.

I hope Gard remembers to mention this in his next podcast about Healthcare.