Wanting To Be Yourself Is Not A F**king Phase!

User offline. Last seen 12 years 30 weeks ago.
Number 531
Conspirator for: 15 years 45 weeks
Posted on: October 19, 2009 - 6:52pm

It really should be the proprietor of The Bastard writing this as they are a post operative transsexual & therefore better qualified in responding to the documentary shown on Channel Four concerning transgendered children. however able enough to write on the subject & there was plenty I got to say, for starters it was a documentary where the filmmaker constantly seem to ask these children was it just a phase they were going thorough.

Let me ask any person reading this if at the age of 8 years old were they certain of which gender they were. I'd imagine they'd know & were comfortable being that gender & its not considered that they're just going thorough 'a phase' but hey a boy who is 8 years old says they're not comfortable being a boy & wants to be a girl somehow is just going thorough 'a phase'.

The documentary gave an account of two male to female transsexual children aged 8 years & one 12 year old & one 16 year old both female to male. I can just imagine some concerned types going that these were kids just going thorough 'a weird phase' & sure they might have a point because children often have eyes wide shut. But these concerned types who really are nanny state types chew the ears of transgendered folk in their 30s or 40s about are they really sure they're doing the right thing about changing their gender permanently. What transgendered people don't need is some eejit nanny statist giving them grief what they need is people to support them in all they must endear to become they feel they need to be. It never occurs to nanny statists that the parents of transgendered children probably just want the best for their children & their child is telling them that consistently telling them their unhappy with their biological gender.

Oh I'm sure as well as the nanny statists there are conservatives who don't want people to be happy in their own skin or recognise the most basic of all property rights that an individual owns their own body. Oh I'm sure any conservative who watched the documentary would say it was disgusting & that it's a consequence of the decline of a moral society or some bullshit like that even though gender dysphoria is a recognised medical & psychological disorder. But neither lefty nanny statist types nor conservatives recognise fundamentals like they don't own the lives of others nor do they in fact have much empathy or even sympathy for anybody suffering from gender dysphoria whatever age they might happen to be.

I've said above that lefty rather then actually help & support those with gender dysphoria will turn into a nagging nuisance of doubt & to any transgendered person I'd say get militant with these eejits. Its not like there aren't enough dickheads out there who'll transsexuals a hard time that they don't need some person who'd they'd be supportive of diversity & the right of an individual to forge the life they want to themselves, to also be giving them a hard time.

It was pretty obvious to me that at least three of the kids which featured in documentary I saw were seriously gender dsyphoric & one of them had already attempted to snip off their penis...how convincing is that that they had gender dysphoria!!! But hey the lefty nanny statist types will say they need to get serious therapy to dissuade them & the conservative types will say they need to seek guidance from God to dissuade them. Neither will recognise that wanting to be yourself is sane & not some fucking weird phrase.