
User offline. Last seen 11 years 43 weeks ago.
Number 591
Conspirator for: 15 years 32 weeks
Posted on: November 30, 2009 - 4:13pm

This is a story I happened to run across late because it's from October. It's a story from The Adcocate, a newspaper from Baton Rouge, LA. Long story short, the District Attorney, Hillar Moore III, is threatening jail time for parents who allow their children to miss more than 3 days of school. First of all, school sucks. If school was so great, children wouldn't have to be coerced into going to school. Second, it is inherently wrong for any school system or state official to cage a parent for failing to make their children go to their indoctrination camps. Parents should not be so sheep like and not let the state tell them where there children should be. Parents should be responsible enough to watch over their own children. Truancy is an example of a problem created out of no problem at all. Better yet compulsory schooling is the problem.

Having said all this, I am a staunch advocate for unschooling. I could have benefited greatly from autodidacticism at the age of 6. It could have saved me years of ridicule and hurt. I believe the first step is for parents not to register their children for social security cards. This needs to be done in numbers though. At least 1 to 2 percent of parents need to decline it. Hell, it won't be available anyway by the time they get to retirement age. I seriously doubt it will be available for those of us who are age 35 and younger.

I'm not a parent at the moment, so I don't know how much credibility I hold. However, I do remember certain aspects of school I could have done without. One is the U.S. government version of American history. I have pretty much had to flush all of it away because I have learned it was a lot of fabrication. Another is grades. I never cared much for grades. I remember feeling  tons of anxiety for not getting good grades because my mother would punish me severely for getting bad ones. Sure enough, I find out in the grand scheme of it all that good grades have very little to do with intellect. Furthermore, if I knew then what I know now, I would have dropped out of high school and wouldn't have stepped foot in a university classroom, not as a student anyway. Hindsight wins again.

Thank you for listening fellow conspirators and I'm always open to any questions or feedback. Keep marching on.

Be seeing you!