Supremes to Rule On Unwarranted GPS Monitoring

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Number 468
FUR3jr's picture
Conspirator for: 16 years 13 weeks
Posted on: September 12, 2011 - 4:29pm 

The Supreme Court has agreed to hear an Obama Administration appeal of the overturned ruling in the case of Antoine Jones. In 2008 Jones was convicted of operating a cocaine ring based on evidence gathered via a GPS device that police used to track his Jeep. A federal appeals court dismissed the conviction, arguing that police had violated Jones' 4th Amendment rights by installing the device without a search warrant. There are similar cases, however, that have upheld evidence gathered during unwarranted GPS tracking on the basis that citizens cannot have a reasonable expectation of privacy when driving or parking their vehicles in public.

Warning! 4th Amendment Right Abrogation is immminent!