Study of How Bees See Reveals More Than Expected

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Number 468
FUR3jr's picture
Conspirator for: 16 years 13 weeks
Posted on: December 22, 2010 - 6:18pm

Study by 8-year-olds published in prestigious science journal

I saw this amazing story on yahoo! news.  The story details how a group of eight year olds conducted a study on the behavior of bees related to how they see the world.

"Biology Letters, a peer-reviewed journal of Britain's Royal Society, on Wednesday published a report (PDF, complete with colored-pencil diagrams) on how bumblebees see colors and patterns -- conducted and written by a group of 8- to 10-year-olds in Devon, England."

The students were: "working under the "light supervision" of a neuroscientist from University College, London."  The students "trained bees to go to targets of varying colors by rewarding them with sugar. They reported that the bees were capable of learning and remembering cues based on color and pattern."

An additional, if inadvertant, discovery was also made by virtue of this being posted on yahoo news.  A person using the moniker of Palin 4 Prez stated: "It is refreshing to the see the future leaders of America perform an expirement."  From this statement we can conclude that this individual is not a very careful reader. 

Further study is necessary to determine if a proponderance of Sarah Palin supporters support a limited delusional worldview, revolving around the dominance of the United States Military over people residing outside of that nations borders.