Something I Wrote About Disability & The State (Hope Gard turns into an audio blog)

User offline. Last seen 12 years 30 weeks ago.
Number 531
Conspirator for: 15 years 45 weeks
Posted on: July 12, 2009 - 12:02pm

Born Disabled - Born Into The Shackles Of Socialism

For a disabled person in modern Britain there are social workers for this and therapists for that and doctors for everything else.

People need not feel compassion and understanding because hey somebody else is paid to do that.

Well this cripple says no!

This spastic knows how ego destroying it is when 99% of the people who cared about them as they grew up were paid to do so! Yeah kind of destroys the myth that we somehow live in a compassionate society. Unless of course you count making somebody a ward of the state as compassionate.  Social workers for this and therapists for that and doctors for everything else and vampiric state sinks its teeth ever deep in.

Of course there are those who'd say well if there weren't social workers for this & therapists for that & doctors for everything else then they'd be nobody to care for the disabled. Hey maybe that needs to happen to prove the lie people dwell in! Yeah its time to hold a mirror up to mankind & show how uncompassionate they really are. Because I already know what happens when you become a ward of the gives those who should love & care an excuse not to!

Every time a disabled person agrees to support from the state they merely opening the door upon an ever encroaching state upon all as well as give all excuses needed for people not to be compassionate. They need to slam that door shut & then be prepared to confront the community around them to the reality of their heartlessness.

You see right now if you're disabled your likely going to get whole load of grief from people in general about how you only making excuses for yourself & merely just a sponger. Well if people were confronted with the realism that you're not making excuses & because of a lack of their aid & compassion then maybe people wake up. Because currently they can tell you that you're a sponger then be two faced about it & expect the state to deal with you because they're too fucking heartless.

A person who aids you because they care makes one feel that they're worth something. But having constantly people who are paid to aid & care about you will just make one feel worthless & more then likely deadwood upon society. But hey lefties will tell me well if nobody was paid to help disabled people then they'd be worse off. Here's a novel if you're so concerned with the situation then get off your arse, roll your sleeves up & be prepared to get your hands dirty! Yeah lefties hate hearing that one & neither do they like the accusation that thinking you can throw tax revenue at the problem will resolve the problem. It only helps people to ignore the problem. But that's what lefties want to do - here is some money now bugger off your embarrassing me.

Liberals are always telling us how they have compassion for the disadvantage; it's an utter fraud! More often then not liberals are middle class snobs who'd be just as prepared to offload a cripple family member on the state as any wealth family who worry about their reputation then anybodies feeling.

Its funny whole both in the US & here in Britain there are parties in control of government who lead us to believe that they're benevolent & caring. Yeah well giving wriggle room for people not to care is kind of the truth of the situation & by having disable people keep on looking to government the soulless shackles of socialism will grip ever tighter.