RAP Bailout song!!!

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Number 3766
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Conspirator for: 16 years 48 weeks
Posted on: January 20, 2009 - 4:22pm

The hip-hop song "I Want My Bailout Money" has been going viral all across the 'net, reaching over 200,000 downloads and racking up over 50,000 views on YouTube.

It has become an instant hit among Ron Paul supporters and investment writers and bloggers. Yesterday it was featured on Jim Sinclair's website: Jim Sinclair's MineSet where Sinclair wrote, "When the Rappers have it figured out we are getting dangerously close to the unavoidable HYPER-INFLATION, a currency event, and to serious social unrest..."

His point is a valid one: Awareness about the potential for hyperinflation is gaining traction across mainstream America. Social unrest is inevitable if the masses ever realize what has already been done to them, not to even mention the upcoming financial raping of America yet to occur.

Over the last ten days, I've been making the rounds on radio shows and podcast interviews, talking about the bailout money situation in America today and attempting to educate people on why the Federal Reserve must go!

And "End the Fed" movement is gaining strength in America, too, as citizens are beginning to wake up and realize their wealth is being stolen from them by the crooks running the Fed and U.S. Treasury. Search Google for "end the Fed" to learn more about this movement.

And keep spreading the news about the song "I Want My Bailout Money." It's a hard-hitting, uncensored hip-hop commentary on the screwing of America by the wealthy elite.

Thank you to all NaturalNews supporters who have shared this song with others. It's your grassroots support that has allowed this song to become so wildly popular among informed adults!

Click to read:
"I Want My Bailout Money" Song Exceeds 50,000 Views on YouTube, 200,000+ Downloads"

From Naturalnews.com: "I Want My Bailout Money" is the first song on the new hip hop album by NaturalNews.com editor Michael Adams (the "Health Ranger"). It is freely sharable for non-commercial use. Enjoy it and share it!... more


"A government big enough to supply everything you need is big enough to take everything you have....The course of history shows that as a government grows, liberty decreases."
Thomas Jefferson