Rand Paul

User offline. Last seen 11 years 45 weeks ago.
Number 586
Brainwashed's picture
Conspirator for: 15 years 22 weeks
Posted on: September 30, 2009 - 10:13pm

Personally I don't think working within the system is worth all that much, however I felt compelled to listen to interviews with Rand Paul.  I was hoping to hear a clone of Ron Paul ,someone of the same mindset, or quite possibly someone who would even take the issues a little bit further.  I've heard Rand being interviewed before, and I was hoping he was holding back.  However after hearing the interview he had done with Mark Edgington from FTL it was obvious to me.  He is not like his father and he does not adhere to the same principles.  It seems as if he is only riding the coat tails of his father. He does not seem to embrace the free market, nor does he embrace the "do no harm" philosophy.  Personally I had a glimer of hope for the guy, but all was lost after that interview, even though it was cut short due to technical difficulties.  Libertarian he is not, just another pro violence, watered down, noob conservative republican...  Please prove me wrong