New pro-liberty fiction site starting soon: need some help

User offline. Last seen 13 years 29 weeks ago.
Number 306
MacFall's picture
Conspirator for: 16 years 3 days
Posted on: November 3, 2010 - 2:02pm

Hey guys. I haven't been around much, and I hope it doesn't look like I'm only coming to the LC because I need a favor. I actually listen to the podcast; I just don't often come to the forum.

Anyway, here's the deal: I'm about to launch a website with the purpose of promoting art with a pro-liberty bent to the liberty community. For the launch, I will be featuring some of my own writing as well as that of a couple other people. It will mostly be short stories and serial novels, but eventually I would like to publish full-length novels as well. My long-term goal is to prove that a free-distribution publishing model is better in the long run for creators, publishers, and consumers alike than the traditional copyright-restricted publishing model.

What I need is for a few people to beta-read what we are about to publish and just give me some feedback on it. It will be one short story and the three first installments of what will eventually become the serial novels. If anyone is interested, I'll give maybe half a dozen people access to the stories for about a week.

Some things you should know:

1. Although the material is being released under a Creative Commons license, until the final draft is ready it will be kept under wraps. So by accepting privileges to the files you agree not to share the stories contained within them with anyone else without the author's permission, unless it is to hype them up to your friends - I certainly have no objection to that.

2. The site is not a religious site, but all three of the current authors are Christians. We have a rule against author-tracting or blatant preaching, but if you are offended by any spiritual content at all, you probably won't like some of the writing.

3. I'd love to publish other people's writing as well, so if you have a story that meets our guidelines (pro-liberty, and basically family-friendly) I'd gladly give you some free publicity in exchange for the site having more content.

Any more questions, or if you want to volunteer, let me know. My email is and I will also be following this thread, of course. Those of you who have me as a Facebook friend can contact me that way as well. Thanks in advance to whomever wishes to participate!


Government is not a necessary evil. Rather, it is an evil of such great power that it has been able to convince us of its necessity.