My new sci-fi/ horror/ genre review blog...

User offline. Last seen 13 years 16 weeks ago.
Number 553
Conspirator for: 15 years 8 weeks
Posted on: August 3, 2010 - 1:01pm

So, I've decided to use my website wordpress blog for reviewing genre books/ comics/ films etc that I enjoy alongside providing updates on my own writing.

To kick us off, I've got a review of the wonderful The Thief of Broken Toys by Tim Lebbon. Tim's agreed to do an interview some time soon. Until then, grab yourself a copy of this novella. It's a cracker!


The Thief of Broken Toys is a novella that charts the journey of central character, Ray as he tries to come to terms with the grief of losing a child. The setting is a small, costal village in Wales with its rural backdrop providing a suitably minimalist canvas to paint this heart-breaking yet simple tale upon. Most of the focus remains on Ray and his relationship with his deceased child, Toby, and estranged wife, Elizabeth. Ray still lives alone in the family home, while Elizabeth finds comfort in the arms of his best friend, Jason. Toby's room remains exactly the same as the boy left it, with his box of broken toys (all of which Ray promised to fix but never did) providing the major plot device for the story...


