Murdoch's Evidence To Leveson: Yes & So What

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Number 741
Conspirator for: 14 years 19 weeks
Posted on: April 25, 2012 - 2:14pm

My response to Rupert Murdoch’s evidence to the Leveson Inquiry is yes & so what.

Yes & what a surprise it isn’t that the present Tory government might have been willing to to Murdoch & his media empire favours. Its not a surprise that this government got into bed with Murdoch, because lets be honest successive government both Labour & Tory have got into bed with Murdoch to buy the influence that his media empire potentially has upon voters & so any revelations which come the evidence given to the Leveson Inquiry how tenuous they might be that Murdoch had over government aren’t of any great surprise to me.

Its somewhat of a horrible truth to say that that people are influenced by the media but politicians wouldn’t make the efforts they do to court the favour of Rupert Murdoch if it wasn’t true. I’ve long said that its those who have bought the Murdoch owned newspapers that are just as guilty for driving a demand for stories obtained by illegal means if not more guilty then Murdoch for possibly creating that demand. If people hadn’t wanted to read sensationalist stories obtained by illegal means which were published in the Murdoch press & else where then they’d of been no demand for journalists to adopt such practices.

If Rupert Murdoch is giving evidence to the Leveson Inquiry then maybe every regular purchaser of the News Of The World should be made to give evidence to the Leveson Inquiry & held to account for encouraging a demand for stories obtained by illegal means.

The newspaper industry is going the way of the dinosaurs & as it does so the more cut throat the competition gets to obtain scoops. Okay just because the newspaper industry is in serious decline & competition is more cutthroat it isn’t an excuse for obtaining stories by illegal means but journolists wouldn’t do it if people didn’t want to read it! I know some will say that journolists should have more integrity & better standards & that the readers of the News Of The World were ignorant that they were reading stories obtained by illegal means. Hmm its true to say that readers of the news Of The World might have been somewhat ignorant that a story they were reading was obtained by the illegal interception of electronic communications, but are you telling me that people are unawares that journalists apply nefarious & illegal means to obtain stories?

Its not as if journalists prior to the whole phone hacking scandal had a great reputation & so it might very well be the case that Rupert & James Murdoch knew of illegal practices perused by journalists they employed on their newspapers & either did then they should be  prosecuted to the full extent of the law. I’m just saying that though Murdoch might be guilty for allowing journalists he employed to persue illegal methods to obtain stories, those who bought newspapers because of those stories aren’t purely innocent as they drove the demand for ever more sensationalist stories.