Murdoch's Evidence To Leveson: Lefty Whingers Shut Up & Wise Up
Number 741
Conspirator for: 14 years 19 weeks
Posted on: April 26, 2012 - 1:06pm
Rupert Murdoch continued today to give evidence tp the Leveson Inquiry & in his testomy to the Leveson Inquiry Murdoch claimed that there was a cover up of illegal practices employed by journalists at News Of The World but it had been hidden from him. I wonder if his nose grew any whilst he was claiming that he had no knowledge of the illegal escapades going on at the News Of The World?
Okay my cynicism doesn’t count for any when it comes to building any case which might put Rupert Murdoch behind bars & let’s be honest nothing which is going to come out of the Leveson Iquiry or any inquiry is likely to put Murdoch behind bars. Rather then anything coming out of the Leveson Inquiry which might put Murdoch behind bars, its more likely that what comes out of the Leveson Inquiry will be used by government as an excuse to erode the freedom the press.
I know a few lefties & anti-establishment radicals etc who seem to be rubbing the hands together with some at the prospect that something will come out of the Leveson Inquiry that will will land Murdoch in prison. I have to say that do think you’re a bit of a f**king eejit if you think that anything which comes out the Leveson Inquiry is going bring down Murdoch & his media empire; its not as if Rupert Murdoch is going to fess up to the bribery of public officials, obstruction of justice, perverting the course of justice, phone hacking or any other myriad of crimes he might be guilty of participating in perpetuating. Murdoch might very well be guilty of having known about the illegal practices employed by journalists on any of his newspapers, but for Murdoch to be put behind bars he has his guilt has to be proven in a court of law beyond a reasonable doubt & for that to happen there has to be hard evidence not just hearsay or speculation etc.
Even if there was some hard evidence that could put Murdoch behind bars, I seriously doubt Murdoch would face any time in prison. He might be a tarnished man, this government might of somewhat thrown him under the train in the light of the whole NOTW scandal, but Murdoch is still a very powerful man who the establishment are dependent upon to propagandise their bullshit. Let us not forget that Murdoch still owns the most watched news channel in the USA (Fox News) & the most read newspaper in Britain (The Sun) & as well as that he also owns a huge amount of news & entertainment media around the world. Murdoch is still a very powerful man & who owns a lot of media outlets aaarooound the globe ?& that certainly pisses a lot of lefties off.
A lot of lefties I’ve known have consistently bemoaned the amount of media Murdoch owns which has enabled him to wield a great deal of evidence over the masses. I empathize a great deal with many many of the gripes with people associated with left of the political spectrum have with the Murdoch media empire, but I don’t agree that getting governmrnt involved is the answer because for starters it was government which enabled Murdoch to gain ownership of the amount of media he does & wield the influence which he does.
I’m not fond of pundits on Fox News or editorials in The Sun; but I don’t think getting government involved in undermining the power of the Murdoch media empire is the answer, because government would simply use it as an excuse to erode the freedom of all news media. No government of whatever political stripe likes there being a free press because there;’s always some section of the press that will attempt to keep them in check. Of course there are lefties who with all good intentions want to prevent the media from ruining the lives of ordinary people by the means in which stories reported & originally obtained; but if government instituted legalisation to do this count on it including greater protection of politicians from media scrutiny.
If lefties & other radicals want to undermine the power of Murdoch & his media empire they need to wise up & stop whinging. Murdoch has skilfully goven what the people want & I’ve long said that if political radicals want to ever undermine the power of the Murdoch media empire they’re going to learn to do the same from differing political perspective. Many on the left have said to me they don’t think they should have to stoop to the gutter level standards of the Murdoch press & yet they wonder why they so often lose public opinion. If sensationalism & titillation is going to win you an audience you can then influence then I say seize the opportunity because then you might win public opinion & achieve political objectives your passionate about etc.
Even prior to all the scandals that now surround the Murdoch press, the power of the Murdoch media was been undermined by the internet & the internet will increasingly undermine the power of traditional print/broadcast media in the coming decades. The internet is probably been the most level playing field there’s ever been for people wanting to get any messages to the masses & yet the left don’t really seem to be seizing the opportunity. Rather then utilizing the opportunities created by the internet, most people on the left still expect the government to do something about the power of media moguls.
Obviously nobody starting off with some simple Wordpress type blog is going to be able to compete with the likes of Fox News, but you have to start from somewhere & who knows what can be accomplished. I can’t write for squat but at least I try, at least I keep plucking away at it; at least trying is better then not trying. Whingeing gets you nowhere other then alienation & heartache & never seeing what you desire accomplished.
Okay my cynicism doesn’t count for any when it comes to building any case which might put Rupert Murdoch behind bars & let’s be honest nothing which is going to come out of the Leveson Iquiry or any inquiry is likely to put Murdoch behind bars. Rather then anything coming out of the Leveson Inquiry which might put Murdoch behind bars, its more likely that what comes out of the Leveson Inquiry will be used by government as an excuse to erode the freedom the press.
I know a few lefties & anti-establishment radicals etc who seem to be rubbing the hands together with some at the prospect that something will come out of the Leveson Inquiry that will will land Murdoch in prison. I have to say that do think you’re a bit of a f**king eejit if you think that anything which comes out the Leveson Inquiry is going bring down Murdoch & his media empire; its not as if Rupert Murdoch is going to fess up to the bribery of public officials, obstruction of justice, perverting the course of justice, phone hacking or any other myriad of crimes he might be guilty of participating in perpetuating. Murdoch might very well be guilty of having known about the illegal practices employed by journalists on any of his newspapers, but for Murdoch to be put behind bars he has his guilt has to be proven in a court of law beyond a reasonable doubt & for that to happen there has to be hard evidence not just hearsay or speculation etc.
Even if there was some hard evidence that could put Murdoch behind bars, I seriously doubt Murdoch would face any time in prison. He might be a tarnished man, this government might of somewhat thrown him under the train in the light of the whole NOTW scandal, but Murdoch is still a very powerful man who the establishment are dependent upon to propagandise their bullshit. Let us not forget that Murdoch still owns the most watched news channel in the USA (Fox News) & the most read newspaper in Britain (The Sun) & as well as that he also owns a huge amount of news & entertainment media around the world. Murdoch is still a very powerful man & who owns a lot of media outlets aaarooound the globe ?& that certainly pisses a lot of lefties off.
A lot of lefties I’ve known have consistently bemoaned the amount of media Murdoch owns which has enabled him to wield a great deal of evidence over the masses. I empathize a great deal with many many of the gripes with people associated with left of the political spectrum have with the Murdoch media empire, but I don’t agree that getting governmrnt involved is the answer because for starters it was government which enabled Murdoch to gain ownership of the amount of media he does & wield the influence which he does.
I’m not fond of pundits on Fox News or editorials in The Sun; but I don’t think getting government involved in undermining the power of the Murdoch media empire is the answer, because government would simply use it as an excuse to erode the freedom of all news media. No government of whatever political stripe likes there being a free press because there;’s always some section of the press that will attempt to keep them in check. Of course there are lefties who with all good intentions want to prevent the media from ruining the lives of ordinary people by the means in which stories reported & originally obtained; but if government instituted legalisation to do this count on it including greater protection of politicians from media scrutiny.
If lefties & other radicals want to undermine the power of Murdoch & his media empire they need to wise up & stop whinging. Murdoch has skilfully goven what the people want & I’ve long said that if political radicals want to ever undermine the power of the Murdoch media empire they’re going to learn to do the same from differing political perspective. Many on the left have said to me they don’t think they should have to stoop to the gutter level standards of the Murdoch press & yet they wonder why they so often lose public opinion. If sensationalism & titillation is going to win you an audience you can then influence then I say seize the opportunity because then you might win public opinion & achieve political objectives your passionate about etc.
Even prior to all the scandals that now surround the Murdoch press, the power of the Murdoch media was been undermined by the internet & the internet will increasingly undermine the power of traditional print/broadcast media in the coming decades. The internet is probably been the most level playing field there’s ever been for people wanting to get any messages to the masses & yet the left don’t really seem to be seizing the opportunity. Rather then utilizing the opportunities created by the internet, most people on the left still expect the government to do something about the power of media moguls.
Obviously nobody starting off with some simple Wordpress type blog is going to be able to compete with the likes of Fox News, but you have to start from somewhere & who knows what can be accomplished. I can’t write for squat but at least I try, at least I keep plucking away at it; at least trying is better then not trying. Whingeing gets you nowhere other then alienation & heartache & never seeing what you desire accomplished.