Leftist hypocrisy regarding Dale Farm

User offline. Last seen 12 years 15 weeks ago.
Number 741
Conspirator for: 14 years 19 weeks
Posted on: September 17, 2011 - 4:52pm

Quite rightly many moderate lefties will protest about Israeli treatment of the Palestinians, but I find it curious that the moderate lefties I know haven’t been so vocal in protesting about the treatment of gypsies at Dale Farm, On the whole the lefties I know have been rather derisory about the situation ar Dale Farm, if not damn right racist!

The stench of rank f**king hypocrisy of moderate lefties make me want to puke!


On Monday, the state sends in police & bailiffs to turf gypsies out their homes & off the property they own. F**k sending the police & bailiffs in, why not just send the f**king SS, storm-troopers & a couple of Panzer divisions into to do the job, because all this is a kin to when the nazis evicted Jews from the homes they owned.


Weird isn’t it that moderate lefties don’t like Israel nor do they seem keen in defending the rights of gypsies, particularly weird when you consider that it was Jews & gypsies who died in the holocaust.


There has been Jewish support for those gypsies at Dale farm & I’d imagine those Jews would also criticize the treatment of the Palestinians by Israel & if they didn’t I’d be the first to call them hypocrites.


A frightening thought occurred to me last week about when the Third Reich turfed Jews out of their homes & that is most people at that time probably didn’t care about it. I know we now think what the nazis did as hideous, but the horrid truth is that most people are indifferent to oppressive crap when its happening to others not them! As with now, you probably had idiots in Germany going about proclaiming that they might not agree with the law, but the law is the & the rule of law must prevail! I feel sorry for all those who live with the illusion there’s a rule of law because its so damn obvious there isn’t, the law is bought by those with enough wealth & influence, neither of which the gypsies have to defend their property.


If you either don’t care or you do support the forceful eviction of the gypsies from their own homes at Dale Farm then you are no better then any apologist there was for the Third Reich I’d actually suggest to those who support the forceful eviction of gypsies from their own homes, they start disguising themselves in white cloaks & hoods as it would be more honest of them to do so!