
User offline. Last seen 12 years 12 weeks ago.
Number 741
Conspirator for: 14 years 16 weeks
Posted on: August 7, 2012 - 10:34am

If some chavy couple left there kids home alone whilst they went down the pub for the evening & one of their kids disappeared; I’d reckon that without question they’d be done for child neglect. If you’re middle class professionals like Kate & Gerry McCann & you leave your kids home alone with doors unlocked & windows open & you kid goes missing then hey you can get away with….

If your some student who when drunk puts out a racist tweet then you're thrown in jail, but if you’re a millionaire footballer who admits saying a racist obscenity in front of thousands of people towards a Black footballer then you walk free from court.

Justice err what justice!

The injustice these days is there’s no justice & in particular there’s no justice if you’re better off because you’re far more able to manipulate justice in your favour.

Even if John Terry had been found guilty, he wasn’t to going to prison, he was going to get a fine & slap on the wrists, unlike the student who put out a racist tweet when he had had a few too many & then found himself in prison as a consequence.

If you’re white middle class professionals, the picture perfect image of Middle England, such as the McCanns; the media, politicians & the populous are going to buy into any bullshit you give about the disappearance of your kid. If you’re a chavy couple, living in a shite neighbourhood & in receipt of welfare; the media, politicians & the populous will think ‘fuck it you’re guilty of murder’ if your kid goes missing.  

If your wealthy you can afford smart lawyers who vcn get you off anything including murder (just ask O.J Simpson), but ordinary plebs who can’t afford smart lawyers get thrown in prison for the most minor & stupidest of infractions.

Justice is blind! Err not when it comes to the size of your wallet!

Justice is blind! Err not if you fit in with image that best suits advertisers selling cack to the masses!

Justice is blind! Err whoever told you that isn idiot & you’re an idiot if you believe it yourself.

Government, justice & whatever else which supposedly bounds our hierarchical ordered society is bought by the wealth of those who exploit us.

At most we are pawns in the game played by those who rule over us by exploiting us all or at worse we are truly slaves to those who rule over us by exploiting us all.