I give up!!!

User offline. Last seen 12 years 15 weeks ago.
Number 741
Conspirator for: 14 years 19 weeks
Posted on: August 15, 2011 - 9:57am

Every report commissioned on the war on drugs concludes the war on drugs is counter productive & asinine & yet governments still fund the war on drugs.


The very same people who were complaining about the behaviour of the Murdoch Press bought his newspapers. Murdoch didn’t get to wield the power which he does without people purchasing what the Murdoch media empire produces. You tell people that if they don’t want Murdoch Press to wield the power he does then cease purchasing what his media empire produces, but no one wants to hear the bottom line.

Today, David Cameron announced that there’s going to be an in-depth review of government policies as a consequence of the recent riots. David Cameron might bollock on about Britain’s broken society, but I wonder if he or any other Tory is going to admit that it was the policies of the Tory government during the 1980s which contributed the most to these riots happening.

I’m just hitting my head against a brick wall!

People don’t want to hear the truth!

I give up!!!!!!!!