I’ve a theory about socialists

User offline. Last seen 11 years 23 weeks ago.
Number 741
Conspirator for: 13 years 27 weeks
Posted on: September 20, 2011 - 12:24pm

I’ve a theory that those who self describe themselves as socialists are in fact anarchists.


Most people I know who describe themselves as socialists are not in fact in favour of state socialism as we know it, but are in favour of decentralized & non hierarchical governance & also tend to be as anti corporatist as any libertarian.

As far as I’m concerned the actual philosophy of the most self described socialists fits in with the European strain of anarchism. The European strain of anarchism is very much about decentralized & non hierarchical governance, its about grassroots democracy or communities governing themselves independently from one another. Anarchism is about individuals being able to vulnerary form communities & have a full & equal say in how those communities are governed.