Human Rights, Racism, Israel & ADL Inconsistency

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Number 531
Conspirator for: 16 years 5 weeks
Posted on: November 30, 2009 - 5:06pm

The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) does happen to do some good work in raising awareness of individuals & groups who espouse hate & bigotry. On the ADL shit list you're find the likes of Alex Jones & the KKK as well as other individuals & groups tat preach extremism, hate, racism & bigotry.

I'm certainly of the opinion that those who are deservedly named & shamed by the ADL for being hate filled extremists.

The ADL were originally set up almost a century ago to fight defamation of the Jewish people and to secure justice & fair treatment to all, but contemporarily the ADL likes to promote itself as a premier civil rights agency which fights all forms of bigotry.

Being as the ADL was founded to advocate for there to be justice for Jewish peoples & therefore obviously strongly supports the state of Israel. Now the ADL are part of the Israeli lobby who have done a good job in making out that anybody who criticizes the Israeli state is accused of being an anti-Semite.

It would be hard to call me an anti-Semite but I'd be accused of being an anti-Semite but the Israeli lobby would easily call me a self hating Jew for criticizing the policies & tactics of the Israeli state or for criticizing the ADL for being inconsistent when it comes to advocating for human rights & against bigotry.

The ADL are inconsistent & it does happen to do with their portrayal of the Israeli state or put another way the fact the ADL are in denial of the human rights abuses the Israeli state has orchestrated.

I fully endorse absolutely that Israel has every right to exist & that it has every right to defend itself, but this doesn't mean that I'm going to ignore the tactics & policies of the Israeli state that have often brought more harm then good upon Israel. I don't deny that there are radical Islamist terror groups that want nothing less then to chase all the Jews into the Med, however this doesn't give Israel the right to act disproportionately & practically treat all Arabs & Palestinians like shit.

It would be impossible for me to sit here & write about every serious human rights abuse the Israeli state has orchestrated, but just recently the Israeli state has undertaken to building a wall around the West bank & then of course there's already the sectioning off & embargo of Gaza; which all adds up to the Israeli state constructing an apartheid regime.

Its not I who is saying that the current policies of the Israeli state are reminiscent of Apartheid in South Africa, there are those who lived under Apartheid (I did but I'm white) who are saying things currently in Israel are reminiscent of Apartheid.

In fact just about every eye witness account I've heard including from pro Israeli journalists such as Rod Liddle, has said that the Israeli state's treatment of the Palestinians is atrocious & that the policies of the Israeli state are apartheid like.

The ADL however is in denial that the Israeli state is conducting an apartheid system & of course anybody saying Israel is conducting something like an apartheid an anti-Semite, bigot or extremist.

Israel would like us to view it as a westernized liberal democracy; well I say I will when the Israeli state starts acting like one. Of course some will say well compared to the regimes of the countries that neighbour Israel the Israeli state is a paragon of freedom. I've nothing good to say about the regimes in Syria or Jordon, but it doesn't excuse the Israeli state from acting disproportionately, egregiously & with impunity.

What's worse for those who pay federal income tax or any other federal tax, is that they're most probably contributing to funding the construction of the wall being built around the West bank & the policing of the embargo imposed on Gaza; being as the US government practically bankrolls Israel. This all leads me into my biggest gripe against the ADL which is that the ADL is part of the lobby that lobbies to keep the US government supporting morally & materially the state of Israel.

Yes I fully support the right of Israel to exist & its right to self determination & the right to defend itself, but I've always caveat that Israel doesn't have the right to be bankrolled by the taxpayers of other countries specifically the USA; in other words Israel needs to stand alone & fight its own battles.

Israel's fight is not the fight of people living in the county of Surrey or the state of New Hampshire.

I know its obvious to say that at the bottom line is down to the Israelis & Palestinians to sort out their differences & though that is an obvious thing to say, the reason I find myself saying it so often is that its very much a truism.

Richard Dawkins a couple of years back said that the Israeli lobby in Washington dictate US foreign policy & he was vilified by the Israeli lobby for saying it, including the obligatory accusations of anti-Semitism, but he's pretty bang on & don't think that the British government is immune from lobbying from the Israeli lobby as this recent documentary revealed.

But back to the ADL & their shit list of individuals & groups who espouse hate & bigotry. Though its good work which I appreciate in naming & shaming those espouse hatred, but because the ADL ignore the human rights abuses inflicted by the Israeli state they seem to be inconsistent about campaigning for civil rights for all & by doing so the ADL leave themselves open to criticism that sticks from those the ADL fight.