How we can share ALL our music for free (streaming) - Lets do this!

User offline. Last seen 14 years 50 weeks ago.
Number 656
Mandrik's picture
Conspirator for: 15 years 10 weeks
Posted on: March 2, 2010 - 1:31pm

Howdy, folks!  I wanted to share with you a great way for us all to share our entire music libraries without having to download gb's worth of music.  There is a program called Simplify Media that allows for up to 30 friends to stream your entire music library--playlists included!  The program is 100% free, unless you want the iPhone app (which is something like $8).  The iPhone app is probably the one I use more than any other since I can access any of my music from pretty much anywhere without having to worry about space on my phone.

Check out Simplify Media program here:

Once you have it downloaded you just keep it running on your PC.  You can add invite friends from there.  To see other peoples' music you go to iTunes, Winamp, or WMP 11.  There is some type of shared/network folder in there that will list all your SM friends' music in there.  Again, this includes playlists.

I've been introduced to a lot of great music through Liberty Conspiracy.  I'd love for all of us to starting using this program so I can explore even more new music.  Once you download just invite me by my screen name, Mandrik, and I'll be sure to accept.  I have almost 20,000 mp3's, but I'm constantly looking for something new to listen to.  I like all types of music.  =)




