How the smeg is this fair

User offline. Last seen 11 years 26 weeks ago.
Number 741
Conspirator for: 13 years 30 weeks
Posted on: January 30, 2012 - 2:25pm

Libertarians & socialists don’t tend to agree on the issue of tax but for differing reasons they’ll likely agree with how unfair the policy the IRS here in Britain has become when it comes collecting taxes.

Last week the chief of the IRS said that lower paid workers such as cleaners & labourers were cheating the taxman out of billions.

Thing is just last month there was a report stating that £25 billion a year was being lost due to tax avoidance by large corporations & that this was due to a far too cozy relationship between the IRS & various corporations.

The attitude of the IRS seems to be that if you’re a lower paid worker not pay your cheating your taxes but if you’re wealthy not paying tax then hey that’s okay.

Basically the law isn’t being applied equally & its those who are poorer who are getting the sharp end of the wedge.