This just in: Tax resisters Dr. Elaine Brown and her husband Ed have been transported back to New Hampshire from their various Federal Detention Facilities, to face trial on.... get this... ELEVEN more "criminal" charges, stemming from their 2007 conviction on federal tax evasion, and subsequent 8 month stand-off.
This is un-F***ING BELIEVABLE. They were scheduled to serve time in the federal pen until they were 71 years old. I find this to be cruel. Especially since Dr. Brown was denied treatment for a broken arm while in federal custody. Mr. Brown also has complained about bad treatment while in federal "custody." I saw a report about The facility where Mr. Brown was incarcerated, where a "guest" died, or something like that. For more on that, see this:
This just in: Tax resisters Dr. Elaine Brown and her husband Ed have been transported back to New Hampshire from their various Federal Detention Facilities, to face trial on.... get this... ELEVEN more "criminal" charges, stemming from their 2007 conviction on federal tax evasion, and subsequent 8 month stand-off.
This is un-F***ING BELIEVABLE. They were scheduled to serve time in the federal pen until they were 71 years old. I find this to be cruel. Especially since Dr. Brown was denied treatment for a broken arm while in federal custody. Mr. Brown also has complained about bad treatment while in federal "custody." I saw a report about The facility where Mr. Brown was incarcerated, where a "guest" died, or something like that. For more on that, see this: