Cicada Ice Cream: Axed.

User offline. Last seen 12 years 32 weeks ago.
Number 632
Conspirator for: 15 years 5 weeks
Posted on: June 9, 2011 - 6:35pm

Once again, health officals meddling with private contracts.

One of the ice cream parlors here in Columbia Missouri has been serving Cicada ice cream.   Sparkys (what its called) also sells Guiness Floats(I get these) and White Russians, so they aren't a traditional ice cream parlor.

They sold out of their first batch apparently within hours, but health officals here axed it.  And whats even worse, they have nothing on the books pertaining to cicadas.  So on top of interfering with private contract, they are doing whatever they want EVEN THOUGH THERE IS NOTHING IN THE FOOD CODE ABOUT IT.   They wanted to axe it because meat is supposed to be kept above a certain temperature, but do you think they treat bacon ice cream the same way?

Sadly, I'm having a hard time getting any more information on this since most sites are treating this as "wierd" news.  But its another example about how the gov't does what they want.

The only site so far that seemed to somewhat question the decision(surprising).