Billionare offering $100,000 to young adults who drop out of school to pursue technological innovations, and MSN smears.

User offline. Last seen 12 years 3 weeks ago.
Number 632
Conspirator for: 14 years 29 weeks
Posted on: October 21, 2010 - 1:24pm

I saw this article on the MSN homepage (sadly, I use IE still, and havn't cared to change it).  Peter Thiel gets so smeared in this article its ridiculous. And the author is the editor-in-chief for Slate on MSN!  The guy takes quotes way out of context, then beats him up over it.  He is just completely ignorant when he refers to Thiel backing seasteading; he doesn't get it at all, and obviously has no desire to figure it out.

Whats just as sad is all the comments worshiping college education.  But one comment a guy said made me laugh.

A students teach the B students how to be employees for the C students.

EDIT:  I actually read alot more comments, and they got better as I went down.  There was a better negative reaction to the article than I anticipated, which is nice to see.