9/11 - what goes around comes around

User offline. Last seen 12 years 15 weeks ago.
Number 741
Conspirator for: 14 years 19 weeks
Posted on: September 11, 2011 - 9:08am

At 08:46 EST, on Tuesday, September the 11th, 2001, in New York City; the world changed & I still feel compelled to say what I said in the immediate aftermath of 9/11 & as to why those planes flew into the World Trade Centre. The reason I feel compelled to still say what I said a decade ago in regards top the attacks of 9/11 is the obvious fact that the US government has not learnt from the attacks of 9/11 in a positive manner & on the whole the US people are still in denial as to why the attacks of 9/11 happened.

A decade ago, in the aftermath of the attacks of 9/11, I said that what goes around goes around. It was pretty obvious to be that the US government brought about the attacks of 9/11 by conducting an aggressive foreign policy. At the behest of corporate backers such as the Military Industrial Complex (but not exclusively), the US government had been conducting an aggressive foreign policy prior to the Second World War & definitely since the Second World War. At the best of of corporate interests, either by covert black ops or by direct military action, the US government has meddled in parts of the world where its meddling is not welcome at all. Basically the US government has continuously kicked a hornets nest in the Middle East & as often said about kicking hornets nests, if you do so you’re eventually going to get stung.

It certainly wasn’t just that terrorists killed over 3000 people on 9/11, but the murder of over 3000 people is a small number in comparison the hundreds of thousands killed as a result of US government foreign policy.

There’s more then one September the 11th where thousands died. On September the 11th, 1973, a CIA backed coup ousted the democratically elected government in Chile 7 replaced it with a military junta. The military junta led by Augusto Pinochet went onto kill or ‘disappear’ over 3000 people (some estimate far more). The military junta in Chile wasn’t the only military junta in Latin & South America which disappeared or killed thousands & nor was it the only military junta in Latin or South America that got support from the US government.

Now 9/11 wasn’t a result from the meddling of the US government in Latin or South America, but in was a result of US government meddling in the Middle East. The US government’s bankrolling of Israel & its propping up of the house of Saud where two reasons Osama bin Laden had cited as to the motivation of the attacks of 9/11. As with Latin & South America, the US government has either installed or supported various oppressive regimes. Of course the meddling of the US government in the Middle East has been primarily been about the US & West’s economies hunger for oil, despite the fact there has always been the more peaceful option of developing alternative fuels. I truly believe that if US corporations had invested into research & development of alternative fuels then 9/11 wouldn’t of happened & the middle East would now be a far less oppressive place.

Other then saying that the US government caused the conditions for the attacks of 9/11, people don’t like hearing that the likes of the Military Industrial Complex profited from the attacks of 9/11. I don’t believe that 9/11 was an inside job, as in the CIA trained the pilots or that there was a controlled demolish of Building Seven; but I do believe the Bush Administration knew 9/11 was going to happen & used it to further the agenda of their backers. There was a security briefing first presented to the then Chief National Security Advisor,  Condoleezza Rice, stating there was serious threat of a terrorist attack from Islamic radicals in the autumn of 2001. This security dossier first presented to Condoleezza Rice was then presented to President Bush (Michael Moore detailed this in his documentary-film Fahrenheit 9/11).

I guess most would naturally ask why the Bush Administration would allow a terrorist attack go ahead if they had some knowledge it was going to perpetrated? The answer is simply to do with greed & that because naked greed is uncouth & unacceptable to most people (particularly when its at the expense of human life). Military Industrial Complex profits from wars over natural resources & profits from plundering from exploiting those natural resources & the likes of al Qaeda are a convenient foe for the military Industrial Complex to profit from without obviously seeming to profit from the US government (& the West) going after al Qaeda. Any war fought, weapons & equipment have to be provided to fight that war & therefore those who provide those weapons & equipment profit from being wars etc & they back politicians campaigning to get elected etc. Back in 2000, bush was backed by the Military Industrial Complex as well as his buddies in the oil industry. There have now been individuals who were insiders in Bush’s Administration who have now stated that from day one of Bush’s presidency, he planned to invade Iraq. Its worth remembering that Bush had won a disputed presidential election in 2000 & at the start of his presidency Bush’s presidency was weak, but 9/11 changed that & it was a convenient tool for Bush to fulfil the agenda his backers got him elected to carry out.

Despite 9/11 having had nothing to with Saddam Hussein regime in Iraq, but with the whole War on Terrorism that came as a consequence of 9/11, it was used as an excuse to invade Iraq. Okay many people saw right through the agenda as why the invasion of Iraq really happened & that it was an illegal war etc; but many who opposed the invasion of Iraq over its illegality, but did believe the invasion of Afghanistan was justified & the continuing NATO occupation. Being as the attacks of 9/11 originated in Afghanistan & that Taliban regime had harboured those responsible, I can see there was justification for the invasion, but I can’t see the justification for the continuing NATO occupation. I can’t see the reason for continuing NATO occupation of Afghanistan other then the various reports of oil fields being found & gas-pipelines being built.

If its not the greed that caused the attacks of 9/11 & that has continued to happen as a consequence of 9/11, which I find repugnant; its that it’s the ordinary citizens of NATO nations pay for that greed. Not only do we the people pay to fund the weapons, bombs & soldiers, we pay at the expense of our own security, liberty & lives. The London bombings of 7/7 where a direct cause of the involvement of British troops in Iraq, those 50 plus people who died that day helped fund that war & were slaughtered for doing so. Its seriously unjust to be slaughtered for funding a war you’ve not had a choice in funding. Its more repugnant when you realise people have no choice in funding wars like Iraq, pay for doing so with their lives & the Military Industrial Complex profit from all that.

Somebody I once knew a few years back; said to me that the Americans who died in the twin towers on 9/11, deserved to die, as they were complicit in allowing the US government aggressively meddle in the Middle East. There’s certainly some truth to say that the American people need to wake up to the activities of those who govern them, otherwise there could be a repetition or worse. The American people need to wake up to the fact their democracy has been bought by corporate interests who have no respect for human dignity or liberty, in fact they’ve no respect for human life period when there’s profit to be made. I’d not go as far as to say that those Americans who died in the Twin Towers deserved to die, because which one of us ordinary peeps knows every activity those who govern us orchestrate which results in the loss of human life. People believe what they hear from the corporate owned mainstream news media, people believe the spin that Islamofascists hate us because we drink Pepsi & wear Levis.

The onus falls upon us political radicals to tell the truth about why 9/11 happened & why it could very well happen again. It falls upon us political radicals to break the monopoly of misinformation that comes from the mainstream media owned & controlled by the corporate elite. The mainstream media will never say the truth about 9/11, they’ll never say it was a result of imperialist aggression by the US government, the onus is upon those outside the political mainstream to propagate the truth & to do so to the extent the mainstream media can no longer drown us out with their corporate drivel.

I’ll admit that I’ve spent a decade saying pretty much what I’ve said here & sometimes I’ve thought am I in fact masking any progress in turning heads? Though there might be times I’ve doubts about wwhether in fact I’m waking people up to the truth, there does seem to be a growing number of people who are questioning the corporate spew that either comes directly from government or via the news media. I’ll admit there are still way too many gung-ho warmongering morons who buy into the threat from Islamofascists & won’t see that it was the pursuit of corporate greed that brought about the threat of terrorism from radical Islamists.

I’m compelled to write rants like these because of those who are brainwashed by the spin of the corporate owned mainstream media. Those who are brainwashed by the mainstream media compel me to write this because they do help to perpetuate the violence. Politicians like nothing more then populist support for their policies & so if they want to go war at the behest of their corporate backers then they’ll nothing more then mass gung-ho support for going to war etc. If people are only taking in spin from the mainstream media that the Islamists want to kill them because they don’t like Pepsi-Cola & Hustler Magazine, I wonder what the consequences of that are going to be.

With the evolution of the internet & the rise of alternative/independent media which has come as consequence, maybe a decade from now a far greater proportion of the populous will have woken up to the truth about 9/11. Foolishly I thought the attacks of 9/11 in itself would of woken up the populous up to the murderous activities of those who govern us & the blowback it creates. I kind of hoped that if any good could of come of the attacks of the 9/11 then I hoped it would of changed the direction of US foreign policy; but it didn’t change the direction of US foreign policy for the better & so here I’m a decade on saying what goes around comes around & if you kik the hornets nest then expect to get stung.