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Dangerous Bills in NH -- Work to Stop Them!
As many Conspirators already know, the bill called SB 434, which has an amendment attached to it that will implore John Lynch to "ask" the Homeland Security Czar to "give NH an extension on REAL ID" stands in complete contravention to a law passed last year. This law states in plain terms that NH "shall not comply" with the federal requirements of REAL ID.
The hearing for the bill in the House has been extended, and will recommence Thursday, March 27, at 10 am, in room 304 of the Legislative Office Building. Please try to attend, to speak in person, or to offer written testimony. If you can, call your representatives about this and other noxious bills!
You may also want to know about this bill: SB 370, relative to giving the CHIEF JUSTICE of the NH Supreme Court, special emergency powers over trials! YEAH, it's a doozy, from the mind of none other than our friend, the socialist Senator from Nashua who would love to be governor some day, Joseph Foster. Give Joey a call sometime to let him know what you think. We're sure he'd love to hear about things like individual liberty and the NH Constitution. Here is the text of the law for your perusal:
Then there is this little gem, which will be highly promoted by the statists. It's an amendment to the NH Constitution that will destroy local control of education. Isn't that "special"? Yep. Chess, kids, chess. They have been making moves since 1993, through judiciary channels. Take a look! This one is VERY important to stop! Call every rep you can to tell them to oppose this! Write editorials! Call friends! Call enemies! Call Gard's show! Here is el linko for it. Funny how linko rhymes with stinko.
And don't blinko on this, or you'll lose local control of education. You must fight this one!