10-24: Govt., Natural Disasters n Job Loss, Air Delays

on Wednesday, october 24, Gardner Goldsmith, AKA The Big G, AKA El G Grande, AKA Mr. AKA, opened campus for an investigation into the proper role of government based on US history and the founders. He got into the subject by way of the CA wildfires, and used the topic to investigate how the mistaken belief that government exists to help stave off naturally occurring phenomena, or to help alleviate the suffering of people who have been negatively affected by natural disasters. It is essential that one understand this most basic of principles. Gard also widened this conversation to encompass the backwards idea that government should be involved in helping people who lose their jobs. AND, AND, he explained the bogus excuses for a new proposal to have the Feds FINE airlines that are late. All from “Against the Grain” and www.libertyconspiracy.com